Chopovychi Territorial Community


The Chopovychi territorial community is located in the Korosten district of the Zhytomyr region.

The total area of the territory: 358 km2

Population: 6,027 people
Men: 2,720
Women: 3,301
IDPs: 590

The community includes 27 population centers. The administrative center of the community is located in the settlement of Chopovychi.


The Chopovychi community is located in a picturesque place in Ukraine. It has a rich history dating back to ancient times. Archaeological finds testify to a Neolithic settlement that existed here as early as the 4th millennium BC.

In the 6th and 7th centuries, the ancestral settlement of the Drevlians – the Chops – lived on this territory. Drevlian warriors of Chops took an active part in the military campaigns of the Kyivan princes after these lands became part of Kyivan Rus.

Church of the Holy Trinity in the settlement of Chopovychi
Church of the Holy Trinity in the settlement of Chopovychi Source

The history of the origin of Chopovychi’s name is shrouded in legends. According to legends, the name comes from the name of Prince Chop – the voivode of the Grand Duke of Drevlians, who was awarded the land limited by the distance he could travel on his horse before it fell. Prince Chop and his descendants had privileges that were enshrined in charters.

In 1320, Chopovychi became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and in 1569 – of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Lithuanian princes and Polish kings confirmed the privileges of the Chop family. In 1785, the Chop family proved its right to nobility.

In the 1920s and 1930s, Ukrainian and Jewish national village councils were active in Chopovychy, and the population was about 15,000 people. In 1935, Chopovychi became an urban-type settlement and district center (until 1958).

The Chopovychi community is a unique combination of historical heritage and modern development. Tourists can enjoy the beauty of local landscapes, visit historical sites and get acquainted with the rich culture of this region. The hospitality of local residents and interesting historical excursions will make their stay here unforgettable.

One of the architectural monuments of local importance is the building of the railway station of Chopovychi, built in the 19th century. This historic building is witness to many events and changes that have taken place in the area over the centuries.

Railway Station of Chopovychi
Railway Station of Chopovychi Source

The community is also known for the Kypiache tract, where there is a non-freezing healing spring. The place where the water “boils” is an important center of Orthodox pilgrimage, as two monasteries – a nunnery and a friary – are located here. These holy places attract the attention of believers and tourists from different parts of the world.

Kypiache tract
Kypiache tract Source

In the depths of the forests, there is the village of Omelianivka of the Chopovychi community, where an eco-settlement was created in 2010. It currently accommodates 14 families. The eco-settlement team is open to visitors with a sincere soul and a good heart, offering a unique opportunity to get to know the ecological way of life and enjoy nature.

The Chopovychi community offers tourists not only the opportunity to immerse themselves in history, but also to enjoy nature and the hospitality of local residents. There is a unique manor “Babyna Loza” in the small village of Lisove, Chopovychi community. It is a hotel and restaurant on a farm in the forest. It has its own cheese factory, and the cuisine is famous for its delicious dishes.

Manor “Babyna Loza”
Manor “Babyna Loza” Source

In September 2023, the Italian journalist Kevin Carboni stayed here, walking from the Polish border to Kyiv with the aim of collecting 1 million euros to help Ukraine.

Manor “Babyna Loza”
Manor “Babyna Loza” Source

Economy and Welfare

The economy of the Chopovychi community has a multifaceted structure that includes both manufacturing industry and agriculture. The industrial sector of the community is represented by such industries as perfumery, woodworking, sawmilling, stoneworking and forestry.

One of the most important enterprises is ELFAPACK LLC, which is part of the ELFA Group of Companies, one of the leading Ukrainian manufacturers of cosmetics and household goods. The company, which has been operating since 2005, specializes in the production of plastic containers, perfumes and cosmetics, and also provides packaging services.


Another important enterprise is CHOPOVYCHI DOСK LLC, a manufacturer of Euro pallets which are exported to many European countries. This modern production has ambitious development plans.

SKHIDNOUKRAINSKA BIOPALYVNA KOMPANIYA is engaged in the production of solid biofuel (pellets) and DOBRYN LLC specializes in stone processing and the production of paving slabs.

Chopovychi DOCK LLC
Chopovychi DOCK LLC

The agricultural sector specializes in the cultivation of grain and technical crops, as well as berry growing (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, currants).

There are two forestry enterprises on the territory of the community.

Subsidiary Enterprise “Malyn Forestry Agroindustrial Complex” of the Zhytomyr Regional Communal Agroforestry Enterprise “Zhytomyroblagrolis”,  Barvinky Forestry
Subsidiary Enterprise “Malyn Forestry Agroindustrial Complex” of the Zhytomyr Regional Communal Agroforestry Enterprise “Zhytomyroblagrolis”, Barvinky Forestry Source
Branch “Radomyshl Forestry and Hunting Enterprise” of the State-Owned Specialized Economic Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine”, Chopovychi Forestry
Branch “Radomyshl Forestry and Hunting Enterprise” of the State-Owned Specialized Economic Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine”, Chopovychi Forestry Source

The economy of the Chopovychi community demonstrates stability and diversity, combining modern industrial enterprises with traditional agriculture. This creates a solid foundation for further development and economic growth of the area.

Community and War 

Located in the Zhytomyr Region, the Chopovychi community is crossed by the international highway “Kyiv-Kovel-Yahodyn” which became a strategic target during the full-scale russian invasion because Kyiv is only a hundred kilometers away.

In February-March 2022, the line of active hostilities was 8-10 km from the territory of the community. As soon as the first days of the war, local residents stood up to protect their native land. A voluntary formation of the Chopovychi territorial community was created and roadblocks were installed.

As of December 1, 2023, 275 people were mobilized from the Chopovychi community, of which 20 are fallen Heroes and 9 are missing.

Alley of heroes of the Chopovytsy community who died for the freedom and independence of the Motherland in the russian-Ukrainian war
Alley of heroes of the Chopovytsy community who died for the freedom and independence of the Motherland in the russian-Ukrainian war Source

There are no destroyed assets on the territory of the community, but it was affected by a number of destructive factors: loss of human potential, weakening of personnel resources, decrease in economic activity of medium and small businesses, significant reduction of the revenue part of the local budget.

Aid to the military
Aid to the military Source

This led to a halt in the economic and social development of the community and the implementation of investment projects.

The war radically changed the priorities of the community, directing the main attention to security, support of the army, servicemen and their families, commemoration of Heroes. Despite these challenges, the community continues to work to restore and maintain vital functions, demonstrating resilience and determination in difficult times.

Aid for IDPs of the community
Aid for IDPs of the community Source

Residents of the community hold charity events and fairs where they raise funds for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Charity fair on the occasion of the anniversary of the community
Charity fair on the occasion of the anniversary of the community Source

People of the Community

The community is headed by Mykhailo Filonenko. The Chopovychi Settlement Head is an example of a new generation of leaders with high professional and personal qualities.

Chopovychi Settlement Head
Chopovychi Settlement Head

Mykhailo Filonenko constantly generates ideas for community development and ensures their implementation.

Vyshyvanka Day
Vyshyvanka Day Source

Under his leadership, a number of important projects were implemented, including street lighting in all population centers of the community and installation of external video surveillance.

A modern kindergarten “Kraplynka” was built and a new offices of the “Chopovychi Public Library”, a modern Administrative Services Center and a police station were opened.

Kindergarten “Kraplynka”
Kindergarten “Kraplynka” Source

In addition, under Filonenko’s leadership, utility equipment was purchased, the Social Services Center was created, and the “Social Taxi” Service was introduced.

Administrative Services Center
Administrative Services Center Source

Mykhailo Filonenko and his team continue to work on the development of the community, implementing new projects and ideas aimed at improving the quality of life of local residents and strengthening the economic potential of the area.

The community is working on restoring ancient traditions. Thus, within the framework of the “Warm Evenings” project, which take place in the style of Ukrainian Vespers, a master class on Easter egg painting was held in the Chopovychi Public Library.

Easter egg painting master
Easter egg painting master class Source

Development Strategy

The Chopovychi territorial community has an approved Development Strategy until 2027 and community symbols.

The Chopovychi community is actively planning the implementation of a number of investment projects aimed at developing infrastructure and improving the quality of life of its residents.

First of all, the creation of the “USF” industrial park is planned, the concept of which was approved in November 2021. This project involves the dense development of a land plot with the arrangement of a modern production and industrial complex, including developed engineering and transport infrastructure, warehouses and administrative premises. Food and light industry enterprises, as well as agricultural processing and storage facilities can be located here.

Additional projects include the overhaul of the canteen of the Chopovychi Lyceum Communal Institution, the preparation of project design documentation and the overhaul of the shelter of this institution, as well as the installation of a fire alarm, voice alert and people evacuation management system and the equipment for transmitting alarm notifications at the lyceum.

Reconstruction and thermal modernization of the building of the Chopovychi House of Culture is also planned, which will contribute to increasing energy efficiency and improving the conditions for cultural events in the community.

Chain of Unity Action in the shelter of one of the community schools
Chain of Unity Action in the shelter of one of the community schools Source

 List of Sources

  • Yu.M. Kononuchenko History of Chopovychi on the Irsha – Zhytomyr: publisher V.B. Kotvytskyi, 2013-170 p.+incl.
  • Posvit: Local history, literary and artistic almanac No. 2 / Compiled by V.I. Tymoshenko, L.P. Morar, O.A. Hura-Malyn: District Printing House, 2007-176 p./
  • Wikipedia.
  • Program of socio-economic development of the Chopovychi territorial community for 2024.
  • Official website of the Chopovychi Settlement Council.
  • Ukraine incognita
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