Kurisove Territorial Community


The Kurisove territorial community is located on the territory of Berezivka district, Odesa region.
The total area of the territory: 257.7280 km²

Population: 7,387 people
Men: 3,336
Women: 4,051
Children: 1,117
People of retirement age: 1,250
Internally displaced persons: 72

The community includes eight villages and has its administrative center in the village of Kurisove.


The village of Kurisove was founded in the late 18th century. There is a cultural monument of state importance in the village – Kuris manor, which belonged to lieutenant colonel Ivan Kuris, the head of Suvorov’s office and then the head of the secret department under commander-in-chief. The construction of the palace began in 1810, was carried out in two stages and lasted more than 80 years. The building resembles a medieval castle, its decor incudes elements of the Gothic and Moorish styles. The palace, fragments of the park and the household building have survived to this day.

Old photo of the manor
Old photo of the manor Source

During the Second World War, the Romanian commandant’s office was located in the manor. The Romanian troops took away ancient mirrors, oak doors, and parquet flooring when they left. The occupiers cut down Kuris English park. However, the premises were restored after the war.

Kuris Manor Palace
Kuris Manor Palace Source

In 1787, Kuris built the Intercession (Pokrovska) Church, then the settlement was called Pokrovsky, and from 1851 is was known as Kurisovo-Pokrovsky.

Holy Intercession Church
Holy Intercession Church Source

The village is located on the Black Sea lowland in streams flowing into the Tylihul estuary – Europe’s cleanest estuary which contains deposits of healing mud. A Tylihul landscape park near the estuary was created in 1997. There are 350 different types of plants in the park, 18 of which are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Currently, the construction of the Marine Formation Center is planned on the shore of the estuary.

Tulihul Landscape Park
Tulihul Landscape Park Source

Near the village, the Petrivsky zoological reserve of national importance and the Strilka Spit ornithological reserve have been created.

Strilka Spit
Strilka Spit Source

In March 2024, a Cossack cemetery was discovered near the village of Kapitanivka, which is currently being cleared for tourists.

Cossack cemetery
Cossack cemetery
Monument to the victims of the Holodomor
Monument to the victims of the Holodomor

Economy and Welfare

As of 2022, 250 business entities were registered on the territory of the community.

Agriculture is the community’s core business activity.

27 agricultural enterprises work in the agricultural sector of the territorial community. The main specialization of the industry is crop production.

Today, there are vacant plots of land on the territory of the community that can be used for investment projects related to industrial production. There is a developed engineering infrastructure and logistics for the creation of such enterprises.

The Administrative Services Center of the Kurisovo Village Council operates in the village of Kurisove. It provides administrative services to the population. Also, 2 specialists provide similar services in the Novomykolaivka and Serbka Starosta-headed districts from remote workplaces.

The field of education is represented by the Tylihul Agrarian College and 3 educational institutions. In total, about 700 pupils study in community schools.

The network of preschool education institutions consists of 4 facilities.

Health care services are provided by two dispensaries, 3 medical and obstetrical stations and the Primary Health Care Center.

The community also has 5 houses of culture and 5 libraries on its territory.

Serbka I-III degrees institution of general secondary education
Serbka I-III degrees institution of general secondary education
House of Culture in the village of Novomykolaivka
House of Culture in the village of Novomykolaivka

Community and War

On February 24, 2022, the employees of the village council immediately switched to a 24-hour mode of work in the conditions of martial law for the smooth operation and coordination of all services and assistance in the accommodation of people who arrived in the community.

The leadership of the community together with the Mriy ta Diy public organization, the Mistse Zustrichi Charitable Foundation, World Central Kitchen, the Caritas-Odesa Charitable Fund, UNHCR Ukraine, etc. organized humanitarian collection points at the village council to collect the essentials for internally displaced persons, military personnel, low-income families, families in difficult life circumstances, families of military personnel, large families, guardians and foster families.

Charitable aid for internally displaced persons
Charitable aid for internally displaced persons
Charitable aid for internally displaced persons
Charitable aid for internally displaced persons
Humanitarian aid from UNICEF
Humanitarian aid from UNICEF

Unfortunately, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the community has lost 17 heroes who served in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Residents of the community are doing their best and believe in a quick victory for Ukraine!

Alley of Glory
Alley of Glory

People of the Community

The community is led by the community head, Valentyn Hryhorzhevskyi.

Valentyn Hryhorzhevskyi, Kurisove Village Head
Valentyn Hryhorzhevskyi, Kurisove Village Head
Community team
Community team

On the initiative and with support of the community leadership, the annual Ukrainian song contest “Vesniane Suzirya” was initiated and implemented, in which participants from Ukraine take part. Contestants from other countries have been invited for the next year’s contest.

Contest “Vesniane Suzirya”
Contest “Vesniane Suzirya”

The community carried out repairs of the dispensary and the roof of one of the gymnasiums, installed street lighting in the village of Kairy, repaired the Novomykolaivka gymnasium, carried out minor repairs of the facades of houses of culture in two community villages, arranged an Alley of Glory to Defenders and improved the territory of the community villages.

Children's playground in the village of Kairy
Children's playground in the village of Kairy

The community received a school bus on co-financing terms.

In the first days of the full-scale invasion, a bus and a car were handed over to the military. Residents of the community collected funds and purchased four cars, which were handed over to compatriot soldiers.

A car for defenders
A car for defenders

Development Strategy

The strategic plan for the development of the Kurisove community for 2022-2028 has been approved.

Taking into account the need for a Development Strategy, a working group for its preparation was formed in 2022. This group included employees and deputies of the village council, workers of education, culture, medicine, physical culture, and social protection.

The main strategic goals that are planned to be implemented in the near future include:

  1. to create a sustainability center for veterans and residents of the community on the basis of the premises of the dispensary in the village of Kurisove. The roof and facade of the dispensary building have already been overhauled. 
Dispensary’s premises
Dispensary’s premises
Sustainability Center
Sustainability Center
  1. to overhaul the street lighting in all villages of the community. Major lighting repairs have already been carried out in the village of Kairy.
  2. to overhaul the Kurisove Lyceum and install solar panels, as well as install solid fuel boilers to achieve energy efficiency. As of today, the roof and windows of the entire building have been partially replaced.
Kurisove Lyceum
Kurisove Lyceum

List of Sources

If you want to contact an Ukrainian community or have additional questions regarding the project please contact us: [email protected]