Palanka Territorial Community


The Palanka rural territorial community is located on the territory of Uman district, Cherkasy region.
The total area of the territory: 491.4 square kilometers.

Population: 14,507 people (as of January 1, 2024)
Men: 6,085
Women: 6,969
Children: 2,705
People of retirement age: 4,435
Internally displaced persons: 471

The community includes 17 villages and has its administrative center in the village of Palanka.


The picturesque village of Palanka is located a few kilometers from Uman. The combination of favorable natural conditions led to the settlement of the territory of the modern village since ancient times. The sources of the Palanka River and the tributaries of the Umanka River are located near the village, and the forest is not far away.

The Palanka rural territorial community is famous for various tourist facilities. One of the oldest villages of the community, Rodnykivka, is known for its church of St. Paraskeva, which was built in 1833. The church witnessed many historical events, including the Koliivshchyna period, which highlights its importance in the history and culture of the region.

Church of St. Paraskeva in the village of Rodnykivka
Church of St. Paraskeva in the village of Rodnykivka

The village of Hromy is known for its potters. The uniqueness of the village’s pottery is in the production of whistle toys. The range of earthenware produced in Hromy includes pots, pitchers, jugs, bowls, colanders, lids, etc.

Pottery Museum in the village of Hromy
Pottery Museum in the village of Hromy

Synytsia Park is a picturesque park located in the village of Synytsia of the Palanka community, known for its rich biodiversity and landscapes. The park is a monument of horticultural art, where rare species of plants are preserved. It is an ideal place for walks, outdoor recreation and excursions, allowing its guests to enjoy the beauty of natural landscapes and fresh air. Synytsia Park also plays an important role in preserving the ecological balance of the region.

Synytsia Park
Synytsia Park

Viktoria Park located in the village of Berestivets is a modern place for rest and leisure, equipped with various amenities for a comfortable stay. Viktoria Park is a popular place enjoyed by local residents and tourists.

Viktoria Park
Viktoria Park Source
Eco Vinochok Estate in the village of Ivanivka
Eco Vinochok Estate in the village of Ivanivka Source

The Palanka community is an important center of the historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine. Its historical monuments and natural objects make it attractive for tourists and researchers. The community’s active participation in cultural events highlights its commitment to the development and preservation of cultural heritage.

Embroidered community map
Embroidered community map

 Economy and Welfare

On the territory of the community, there are enterprises specializing in furniture, extractive, food, processing and construction industries.

Manufacture of furniture is a promising area of economic activity in the community. The furniture industry is represented by enterprises specializing in wood cutting and processing, furniture retailing, as well as enterprises engaged in the manufacture of quality bathroom furniture from natural wood and marble.

Photo from the World of Furniture-Ukraine production facilities
Photo from the World of Furniture-Ukraine production facilities Source

Agricultural production is the economic basis of community development. About 60 business entities operate in the community’s agriculture sector. In addition, there are self-employed land owners in agriculture who cultivate their lands.

The Uman greenhouse plant engages in the production of high-quality vegetable products due to the use of modern energy-saving technologies and the expansion of sales markets.

4th branch of the Uman Greenhouse Plant
4th branch of the Uman Greenhouse Plant Source

The bakery industry is represented by the Krasnopilochka Bakery and Uman KS Bakery which specialize in the production of bread and bakery products, flour confectionery, semi perishable cakes and pastries.

Uman Fruit Company is engaged in the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, melons and gourds, grapes, berries and nuts (Rodnykivka).

AGROPLANT Company operates in the village of Yurkivka which specializes in the production of meat products (canned meat) under the trademark “Nash Kril” and the growing of berries.

Blueberry and honeysuckle plantations of Agroplant LLC
Blueberry and honeysuckle plantations of Agroplant LLC Source

The mining industry is represented by Umanskyi Grankarrier which specializes in the extraction of sand, gravel, clay and kaolin.

In the field of construction, Umanskyi Agroshlyakhbud (Pikivets village) specializes in the construction of roads and highways, and the Uman District Repair and Construction Company (Rodnykivka village) is engaged in the construction of residential and non-residential buildings.

Export-oriented enterprises of the community were included in the “Buy from Cherkasy Region” catalog.

YALYNKAR at the international exhibition of holiday decorations, Christmas World 2023, held in Frankfurt
YALYNKAR at the international exhibition of holiday decorations, Christmas World 2023, held in Frankfurt

The total number of small business entities in the community exceeds 400.

The educational network of the community consists of 12 institutions of general secondary education, namely: 3 primary schools, 5 gymnasiums and 4 lyceums.

The network of preschool education includes 8 institutions and 5 preschool units.

Rodnykivka Lyceum from above
Rodnykivka Lyceum from above Source
Palanka Lyceum
Palanka Lyceum

As part of the Rebuild Ukraine Program, the reconstruction and overhaul of 3 educational facilities damaged as a result of russian aggression is ongoing.

Repair of the Palanka Lyceum
Repair of the Palanka Lyceum
Leaders of student self-government
Leaders of student self-government

The ARTSPORT After-School Education Center operates on the territory of the community. There, they practice basketball, volleyball, freestyle and classical wrestling, judo, football, and table tennis with their children. 

ARTSPORT After-School Education Center
ARTSPORT After-School Education Center Source

The community also has an Inclusive Resource Center which provides counseling, psychological and speech therapy assistance to parents of children with special educational needs.

14 village houses of culture and 3 village clubs also operate in the community. Vocal and choral, folklore, theatrical, choreographic, and instrumental groups work in club establishments. There are 50 amateur teams, in which more than 400 participants are involved. The network of libraries consists of 1 Palanka public library with 17 branches in population centers of the community.

Librarians and employees of houses of culture of the Palanka community celebrating the Statehood Day of Ukraine
Librarians and employees of houses of culture of the Palanka community celebrating the Statehood Day of Ukraine Source

The field of health care in the community is represented by the Uman Central District Hospital and the Center for Primary Health Care, 10 temporary stay medical centers, 5 medical and obstetrical stations and 3 outpatient clinics of general practice of family medicine.

Currently, the reconstruction of the premises for the creation of a rehabilitation department in the medical building and the reconstruction of a part of the therapeutic building for the construction of a double storage of the central district hospital are underway.

Aid from benefactors for the rehabilitation department of the Uman Central District Hospital
Aid from benefactors for the rehabilitation department of the Uman Central District Hospital

The community also has the Social Services Center. The main task of the center is to carry out social and preventive work to prevent people and families belonging to vulnerable population groups from falling into difficult life circumstances.

Transfer of aid from benefactors
Transfer of aid from benefactors Source

Communal enterprise “Blahodar” provides the community residents with the services of water supply, maintenance of houses and adjacent territories, removal of household waste with the improvement of premises, which includes sanitary and general cleaning, tree trimming and clearing of the territory, and snow removal services. Since October 2023, the enterprise has included a local fire and rescue unit that ensures fire safety, prevents the occurrence of fires and accidents during fires, extinguishes fires, carries out rescue and salvage operations and other emergency work, and also provides assistance in liquidating the consequences of other emergencies.

The fire unit working on the improvement of the village of Palanka
The fire unit working on the improvement of the village of Palanka Source

Community and War

From the first day of the aggression which started on February 24, 2022, the Palanka community became the zone of air and missile strikes with 18 communally owned assets objects and more than 70 privately owned assets having been damaged.

Today, about 500 forcibly displaced people, including 150 children, live here.

In the first days of the full-scale war, the sports hall of the Rodnykivka school became the first place of peace and comfort for hundreds of Ukrainians
In the first days of the full-scale war, the sports hall of the Rodnykivka school became the first place of peace and comfort for hundreds of Ukrainians

Despite the difficult working conditions, the local government and the economy function stably, develop, refocus and work on restoration and implementation of new business ideas.

The Village Head hands aid to representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
The Village Head hands aid to representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The community passed a competitive selection and, in early October 2023, signed a grant agreement within the framework of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) program for the renovation of municipal buildings to accommodate internally displaced persons in Ukraine, financed by the European Union. As part of the signed agreement, the community will receive grant funding for three facilities in the villages of Yurkivka, Tomashivka, and Ivanivka for the repair and furnishing of premises for internally displaced persons.

Signing a grant agreement within the framework of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) program
Signing a grant agreement within the framework of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) program

On June 8, 2023, many residential buildings were damaged in the community due to russian missile fire. The Palanka community applied for help to Solidarites International.

At the initiative of the residents, charity concerts are held, food kits are collected and camouflage nets are weaved in the community.

Weaving camouflage nets in the village of Antonivka
Weaving camouflage nets in the village of Antonivka
Charity fair in the village of Yurkivka
Charity fair in the village of Yurkivka

People of the Community

The head of the Palanka community, Ruslan Yaremchuk, actively works on the development of the community and the support of its residents, especially during the war.

Village Head Ruslan Yaremchuk with President of the European Investment Bank Nadia Calvinho at URC2024
Village Head Ruslan Yaremchuk with President of the European Investment Bank Nadia Calvinho at URC2024 Source

Key projects and initiatives of the Village Head include:

  1. Support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Considerable funds are allocated to support the military.
Transfer of FPV drones for the military
Transfer of FPV drones for the military Source

2. Renovation and reconstruction. The reconstruction of facilities in the field of education and medicine is actively underway, which will improve the conditions for children’s education and create a modern educational and medical infrastructure.

An arranged shelter at the Sinytsia Lyceum – Spilno UNICEF
An arranged shelter at the Sinytsia Lyceum – Spilno UNICEF
Overhaul of the Horodetske gymnasium with the implementation of energy-saving measures within the framework of the Rebuild Ukraine Program/ Volodymyr Didenko
Overhaul of the Horodetske gymnasium with the implementation of energy-saving measures within the framework of the Rebuild Ukraine Program/ Volodymyr Didenko
Ongoing reconstruction of the Palanka Lyceum within the framework of the Rebuild Ukraine Program/Umanshchyna informatsiyna
Ongoing reconstruction of the Palanka Lyceum within the framework of the Rebuild Ukraine Program/Umanshchyna informatsiyna
The rehabilitation department of the Uman Central District Hospital after reconstruction.
The rehabilitation department of the Uman Central District Hospital after reconstruction.

3. Organizing contests and festivals where children and young people demonstrate their talents in various types of art. This contributes to the development of the cultural life of the community and the support of young talents.

Perlyny Doshkillia Contest/ Umanshchyna informatsiyna
Perlyny Doshkillia Contest/ Umanshchyna informatsiyna
Independence Day in the community
Independence Day in the community Source

4. Creating favorable conditions for the development of physical culture and sports among different segments of the population.

Evening beach volleyball practice
Evening beach volleyball practice
Participation in contests within the project
Participation in contests within the project "Side by Side All-Ukrainian School Leagues"

5. Active work is underway to improve the infrastructure, including the construction and repair of roads, modernization of utilities, which increases the quality of life of the community’s residents.

Cameras were installed on community roads in emergency locations that automatically record violations of traffic rules
Cameras were installed on community roads in emergency locations that automatically record violations of traffic rules
Repair of the footpath in the village of Hromy
Repair of the footpath in the village of Hromy Source

6. Cooperating with veterans and their family members: uniting to solve urgent issues (social, medical, legal).

Meeting of veterans, participants of the russian-Ukrainian war
Meeting of veterans, participants of the russian-Ukrainian war Source

The Hero’s wife, Alina Vovk, won the contest “It’s worth starting your own business” from the Ukrainian Veterans Fund, which provides financing for businesses of veterans, veterans’ families (spouses), family members of fallen (deceased) war veterans and family members of fallen (deceased) Defenders of Ukraine on a competitive basis.

Deputy Village Head Mykhailo Drachevskyi provides methodological assistance in the preparation of a grant application to Alina Vovk
Deputy Village Head Mykhailo Drachevskyi provides methodological assistance in the preparation of a grant application to Alina Vovk Source

7. International cooperation, territorial cooperation, joint projects to mobilize resources to support recovery, reconstruction, reform and modernization of the community and Ukraine:

As part of the implementation of Ukrainian-Polish youth exchanges in 2023 provided by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the community implemented the project “Ukrainian-Polish Youth School “New Philosophy of 4D Sustainable Development: Action. Friendship. Help. Dialogue”.

Meeting with representatives of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship
Meeting with representatives of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship Source

The Palanka community took part in the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024). The main goal of URC2024 is to mobilize permanent international support for the recovery, reconstruction, reform and modernization of Ukraine.

At the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024)
At the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024)

The community became a participant in the pilot multi-sport project “Champion’s Path”. A memorandum of cooperation was recently signed among the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine and the Palanka community.

Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Oleksiy Nikitenko at the Rodnykivka Lyceum
Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Oleksiy Nikitenko at the Rodnykivka Lyceum Source

Representatives of the Palanka community became participants in the Austrian-Ukrainian project for Ukrainian youth workers and volunteers who work with youth “Youth Work with the Ukrainian Displaced Youth” in cooperation with WIENXTRA, Vienna, Austria and The European Center for Freedom and Independence, Vienna, Austria.

Participation of community representatives in the
Participation of community representatives in the "Youth Work with the Ukrainian Displaced Youth" projec
Participation in the Workshop of Cultural Practitioners project
Participation in the Workshop of Cultural Practitioners project

The Village Head and his team continue to work on the development of the community, implementing new projects and initiatives aimed at improving the lives of the residents of the Palanka community, even in the difficult conditions of war.

Development Strategy

The community has the Program of Socio-Economic Development of the Palanka Rural Territorial Community for 2021-2025.

In 2018, work was started on the Strategic Document for Community Development, but due to changes in the administrative structure and composition of the community, there was a need to change the working group and develop Strategic Development Directions, and with the start of the full-scale war, work on the Strategy was suspended. The main directions and strategic goals were discussed: harmonious economic development of the community, development and modernization of infrastructure, creation of an environment of active citizens.

Discussion of strategic directions of community development.
Discussion of strategic directions of community development.

Currently, measures are being taken to resume work on the formation of the Community Strategy.

If you want to contact an Ukrainian community or have additional questions regarding the project please contact us: [email protected]