Husiatyn Territorial Community


The Husiatyn territorial community is located on the territory of Chortkiv district, Ternopil region. The total length of the community is 57 km. The total area is 246.7 square kilometers.

Population: 15,317 people
Men: 8,420
Women: 6,897
Children: 2,237
People of retirement age: 7,152
Internally displaced persons: 2,100

The community includes 17 settlements and has its administrative center in the settlement of Husiatyn.


Husiatyn, also formerly called Vsiatyn or Usiatyn, has been known since 1431. The name comes either from “husiatnyk” (Eng. “gooseberry plant”) or from the male name Us.

In 1772, the border between the two empires passed along the river: the right bank belonged to the Austrian Habsburgs, the left – to the Russian Romanovs.

Austrian Husiatyn skillfully used its border location. Every Wednesday, merchants from all over Ukraine gathered at the market place. At first, they got there via an uncertain wooden bridge over Zbruch, which was regularly destroyed by floods.

The most interesting sight of Husiatyn that has survived to this day is the synagogue located in the town park. Built approximately at the beginning of the 17th century, it was adapted for defense together with other town buildings of that time – a castle, an Orthodox church, and a Catholic church. The key-shaped loop holers to which stairs hidden in the walls of the building led remind us of the defensive significance of the building. These stairs have been preserved to this day.

In 1979, a local history museum was opened in the renovated synagogue building. During the renovation, the facade and interior were restored, and the western and northern annexes were built in the architectural forms of the early 20th century. In 2002, the museum moved to new premises. Since that time, the synagogue building has been empty and is gradually falling into disrepair. 

Old (defensive) Synagogue, the ancient sacred monument of the Jewish community of the town of Husiatyn, built in the Moorish-Gothic style in the 17th century
Old (defensive) Synagogue, the ancient sacred monument of the Jewish community of the town of Husiatyn, built in the Moorish-Gothic style in the 17th century Source

Another defensive building was the Onufriiv Church, built around 1600. It could simultaneously serve as a temple and a fortress. The thickness of its walls reaches 1.9 – 2.2 meters. The temple was surrounded by a defensive wall.

The Onufriiv Church, a cult, brick monument of architecture of the late 16th-17th centuries, now – a parish church
The Onufriiv Church, a cult, brick monument of architecture of the late 16th-17th centuries, now – a parish church Source
St. Anthony's Catholic Church, a monument of the 17th century and an active parish church
St. Anthony's Catholic Church, a monument of the 17th century and an active parish church Source
Sydoriv Castle – “Ship Castle”, a defensive building of the 17th century, located in the village of Sydoriv
Sydoriv Castle – “Ship Castle”, a defensive building of the 17th century, located in the village of Sydoriv Source

There is a water mill from Austrian times under a tiled roof in one of the community villages.

Water mill under a tiled roof in the village of Shydlivtsi
Water mill under a tiled roof in the village of Shydlivtsi Source
Thimelman Castle (villa), a neo-romantic palace of the early 20th century, built in the village of Lychkivtsi
Thimelman Castle (villa), a neo-romantic palace of the early 20th century, built in the village of Lychkivtsi Source

The Husiatyn Local History Museum presents a wide exposition of the history of the community.

Husiatyn Local History Museum
Husiatyn Local History Museum

Economy and Welfare

Several furniture factories operate on the territory of the Husiatyn settlement council. Furniture production is rapidly developing in the community, so, there is an enterprise for the production of furniture accessories, Etera, in the village of Lychkivtsi.

Furniture factory “Comfort”
Furniture factory “Comfort” Source
Enterprise for the production of furniture accessories “Etera”
Enterprise for the production of furniture accessories “Etera” Source

Also, there is a machine-building enterprise “Olbrizservis” on the territory of the community which manufactures ball water valves.

Significant deposits of mineral water here allow for the development of their mass production. This is what the Batih Enterprise does.

In addition, there is a bakery and a Fathers Wine craft winery on the territory of the community.

Fathers Wine Vineyards
Fathers Wine Vineyards Source

Considering that the community is the agricultural area, agricultural enterprises are actively developing here.

There are 10 schools in the community enrolling about 1,500 students.

School in the community
School in the community

There are also 6 kindergartens, a center for children’s and youth creativity, and a children’s and youth sports school.

Pupils of the Center of Children's and Youth Creativity
Pupils of the Center of Children's and Youth Creativity
Husiatyn Art School
Husiatyn Art School

The field of medicine is represented by a hospital and a polyclinic, as well as 300 outpatient clinics and 7 medical and obstetrical stations.

Husiatyn has the status of a resort town due to its unique deposits of mineral water. Novozbruchanska water with its two types of weakly mineralized and highly mineralized (“Ropa”) water, has no analogues in the world. The Husiatyn Balneological Hospital provides water treatment in the community.

Husiatyn Balneological Hospital
Husiatyn Balneological Hospital Source

Community and War

The Husiatyn settlement territorial community joined in helping the military and became a shelter for many internally displaced persons from the first days of the war.

Distribution of humanitarian aid
Distribution of humanitarian aid

The community has managed to organize cooperation with many charitable foundations, in particular the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC).

Beds for internally displaced persons from the NRC
Beds for internally displaced persons from the NRC
Plumbing and fittings from the NRC to improve the living conditions of internally displaced persons
Plumbing and fittings from the NRC to improve the living conditions of internally displaced persons

The Red Cross Society of Ukraine has repeatedly visited the community and brought humanitarian cargo.

Aid from the Red Cross Society of Ukraine
Aid from the Red Cross Society of Ukraine

Considering the large number of internally displaced people, the community was not overlooked by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

IOM’s visit and aid
IOM’s visit and aid

The Rokada charitable organization, with which the Husiatyn community signed a cooperation agreement, took over the personal care of the center for compact living of internally displaced persons.

Rokada representatives during the signing of the cooperation agreement
Rokada representatives during the signing of the cooperation agreement

From the first days of the full-scale invasion, the sister town of Oborniki Śląskie (Poland) actively joined in helping the community.

The sister town of Baruth/Mark (Germany) also provides assistance whenever possible.

Unloading humanitarian cargo for schools from the town of Baruth /Mark (Germany)
Unloading humanitarian cargo for schools from the town of Baruth /Mark (Germany)

On the eve of the Easter holidays, the annual campaign “Easter basket for the military” is held in Starosta-headed districts. Easter cakes, Easter eggs, homemade meat products, horseradish, homemade pastries and other goodies, consecrated by local priests, are sent to the defenders.

Consecration of baskets for military personnel
Consecration of baskets for military personnel

People of the Community

Stepan Karpo is the head of the community.


The community actively develops international cooperation. Thus, in 2022, they signed a memorandum of intent with the German town of Baruth/Mark. Within the framework of this agreement, work is currently underway on the implementation of sustainable water supply projects for the settlement of Husiatyn (installation of solar panels, purchase of new modern well pumps, construction of a large water tank).

The first stage of installation of solar panels on the territory of the water lifting station
The first stage of installation of solar panels on the territory of the water lifting station

At the moment, cooperation is being established between the utility company “Vodokanal-service” and representatives of water utilities in German towns. This made it possible to receive water supply equipment as humanitarian aid.

The community received a new transformer for the water utilities
The community received a new transformer for the water utilities

The community received an ultrasound diagnostic device to improve its medical services thanks to cooperation with the German charity organization, the Blue and Yellow Cross.

Ultrasound diagnostic device – a gift from Germany
Ultrasound diagnostic device – a gift from Germany

The community is the center of various international delegations. Since 2020, representatives from Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Norway, Estonia, Poland, Canada, and the USA, has visited the community.

Development Strategy

The community has an approved strategy until 2025.

A number of investment projects are implemented in the community to put the strategy into practice. In particular, they are aimed at improving water supply and drainage in the settlement of Husiatyn. 

Thanks to the cooperation with the German town of Baruth/Mark, 260 cubic meter water tanks were installed in order to ensure a supply of drinking water despite the constant shelling of the infrastructure.

Installation of a new water tank
Installation of a new water tank

The community also managed to buy two new pumps which will reduce electricity costs.

Water pump
Water pump

Educational institutions in the community are renovated on an annual basis.

Works on renovating the educational institution of the settlement of Husiatyn
Works on renovating the educational institution of the settlement of Husiatyn

The community cares about improving the health of the population. So, the sports hall of the children’s and youth sports school was renovated in 2023.

Renovated sports hall
Renovated sports hall
Renovated rooms for temporary accommodation. The renovation was carried out with the help of the NRC charity organization
Renovated rooms for temporary accommodation. The renovation was carried out with the help of the NRC charity organization
Cultural institutions of the community annually hold charity concerts in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Cultural institutions of the community annually hold charity concerts in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

List of Sources

If you want to contact an Ukrainian community or have additional questions regarding the project please contact us: [email protected]