Irpin Territorial Community


The Irpin urban territorial community is located on the territory of the Bucha district, Kyiv region. The town is located in the northwestern part 7 km from the city of Kyiv on the banks of the Irpin River. The community includes 1 town (Irpin) and 4 villages (Dibrova, Zabuchchia, Kozyntsi, Mykhailivka-Rubezhivka).

The total area of the community is 11,725.1 hectares

Population: 73,162 persons, including urban population of 65,167 people and rural population of 7,995 people.

Internally displaced persons: 22,168 (as of January 01, 2024)


Irpin is a town with an interesting history, located in the Kyiv region, not far from the capital of Ukraine. An important event for the area was the construction of the Kyiv-Kovel railway in 1899, which gave impetus to the development of the settlement that later became a town. Irpin quickly became a popular vacation spot for Kyivites thanks to its picturesque natural landscapes and favorable climate.

In 1912, the first cinema was opened in Irpin, and manufacturing industry and trade were actively developing. The community houses the House of Creativity of Writers and Composers, which is the birthplace of numerous literary, artistic, and musical masterpieces. Famous cultural figures lived and worked here, including film director Oleksandr Dovzhenko, writers Ostap Vyshnia, Pavlo Tychyna, and many, many others. It is safe to say that most of the masterpieces of Ukrainian writers and poets were created in Irpin.

Writers' Park in Irpin
Writers' Park in Irpin

The community presents 64 historical monuments, 4 architectural monuments and 3 archeological monuments for tourists. In 2016, the town was recognized by the National Register of Records of Ukraine for the construction of 16 parks and squares, which turned it into a green oasis. In 2020, the Irpin urban territorial community was created.

Irpin Town Park “Neznaiko”
Irpin Town Park “Neznaiko”

Economy and Welfare

Today, small entrepreneurship is one of the important segments of the economy of the Irpin town-territorial community. Every year, the number of small business entities and the volume of products produced by them increases. Almost 30% of all employees of the community are involved in small business.

Small business enterprises work in almost all sectors of the national economy with the focus on the sphere of trade.

Entrepreneurs who registered their business on the territory of the Irpin urban territorial community get the opportunity to rent land plots at preferential rates.

The manufacturing of industrial products in the Irpin community is carried out by 21 enterprises specializing in the production of rubber and plastic products, the chemical industry, the production of furniture, the production of other non-metallic products (building materials); the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water.

The largest industrial enterprises on the territory of the community include Ecosoft LLC (BWT) – an international company producing filters for water purification, founded in 1991 in Ukraine. It is one of five unique global manufacturers that offer the entire range of products: from pitcher filters to industrial reverse osmosis systems. The company sells water filters in more than 50 countries of the world. It has 8,000 square meters of production and warehouse premises at its disposal.

Ecosoft Source

The PLANET PLASTIC Enterprise, which was founded in 2003, is engaged in the production of plates, sheets, pipes and profiles from plastics. Thanks to dynamic development, the company occupies a leading position in the markets of Ukraine and internationally. It uses high-quality raw materials in its production, which are supplied from Germany, Sweden, and Qatar. Also, the plant has its own certified laboratories and performs quality control at all stages of production.

Planeta Plastik
Planeta Plastik Source

Community and War

On February 24, 2022, russia started its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, including the Kyiv region and the Irpin community in particular.

The town became one of the key sites of hostilities during the russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and was one of the points of resistance during russian forces’ attempts to capture the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv. Irpin became strategically important because of its location near the capital. At the end of February 2022, intense hostilities began.

On March 5, russian troops began massive attacks on Irpin. The town suffered heavy artillery and air strikes. At that time, russian troops tried to surround Kyiv from the northwest, and Irpin became one of the key points of this operation.

Destroyed house in Irpin
Destroyed house in Irpin

The Ukrainian military and volunteers from the Territorial Defense Forces continued to resist, trying to prevent the enemy from advancing towards Kyiv.

The town was occupied for 23 days. During this time, residents who stayed with their children almost never left the basements. There was no heat, light, communication and water in the town. To quench their thirst, people drained water from boilers and melted snow. All these heavy battles for Irpin continued for days. It stood its ground, stopped the enemy on the way to Kyiv and became a hero town and a town of real heroes!

Evacuation of residents of Irpin
Evacuation of residents of Irpin

As a result of the aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine, 39 soldiers of the territorial defense, 50 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and 300 civilian residents of the community died in the territory of the Irpin Territorial Community.

Also, 3,247 buildings were damaged, including 2,613 private houses, 634 apartment buildings, 16 education institutions, 10 cultural objects, and 47 administrative buildings.

Damaged house in the SMU district, Irpin
Damaged house in the SMU district, Irpin

On March 24, 2022, the administrative center of the community, the town of Irpin, was awarded the honorary title of “Hero Town of Ukraine” by the Decree of the President of Ukraine in order to celebrate the feat, mass heroism and resilience of citizens, shown in the defense of their towns during the rebuff of the russian armed aggression against Ukraine.


On March 28, 2022, Irpin was completely liberated from the occupiers. On this day, the community won the battle for Irpin and began a new struggle for reconstruction.


This victory was an important step in the defense of Kyiv. However, after the de-occupation of the town, large-scale destruction, numerous dead civilians, as well as cases of looting and war crimes by the russian military were discovered.

According to preliminary estimates by experts, direct and indirect losses from hostilities in the territory of the community amount to USD 1 billion with most of them falling on social infrastructure: schools, kindergartens, children’s and youth sports schools, cultural centers, which were completely destroyed.

Irpin is Ukraine’s first town that began to recover after the de-occupation during the war launched by the russian federation against Ukraine. The community actively works on finding ways to rebuild, restore, develop and create new enterprises.

All work is aimed at systematic sustainable renovation and reconstruction of the community in accordance with the goals of sustainable development of the UN and attraction of investments from the countries of the European Union and international funds.

Irpin became one of the symbols of heroic resistance of Ukraine in this war. As a result of the fighting, the town suffered significant destruction, but it also demonstrated the determination of the Ukrainian people in the fight for their independence. The rebuilding of the town continues, and its residents continue to return to peaceful life, although the scars of the war will long remind them of those events.

After the liberation of Irpin from the russian occupiers, large-scale work was carried out to restore the town with the participation of Ukrainian and international partners. Efforts were directed to the reconstruction of damaged infrastructure, residential buildings, as well as to the creation of new socially important objects.

Among the first steps after de-occupation were the renovation and reconstruction of education institutions, as well as the restoration of medical facilities to provide the necessary care to local residents. These efforts are aimed at ensuring the normal functioning of the social infrastructure damaged during hostilities.

Irpin Lyceum No. 3 before restoration
Irpin Lyceum No. 3 before restoration
Irpin Lyceum No. 3 after restoration
Irpin Lyceum No. 3 after restoration
Kindergarten "Ruta" before restoration
Kindergarten "Ruta" after restoration

Irpin Vodokanal, the company that provides water supply and drainage in the town of Irpin, suffered significant damage during the occupation by russian forces in 2022. As a result of shelling and hostilities, critical facilities of the water utility, in particular, pumping stations and water supply networks, were damaged. This led to disruptions in water supply and drainage. Due to damage to networks and equipment, many districts of Irpin remained without a stable water supply. Water was supplied intermittently, and in some places its supply was completely stopped. Water intake facilities were also damaged by the attacks, which complicated the process of extracting and supplying water to the town. In addition to physical damage, the company suffered losses due to the loss of material resources and consumables.

Administrative building of Irpinvodokanal before restoration
Administrative building of Irpinvodokanal before restoration
Administrative building of Irpinvodokanal after restoration
Administrative building of Irpinvodokanal after restoration

Despite significant progress in the reconstruction of Irpin, there is still a lot of work ahead. There are still many objects that need restoration and repair. Some residential buildings, public institutions and infrastructural facilities are still destroyed and require significant efforts to restore.

The issue of restoration of certain sections of the transport and communal infrastructure, which ensures the normal functioning of the town, is particularly acute. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the reconstruction of social and cultural objects, which are important for the return of a full-fledged community life.

People of the Community

Oleksandr Markushyn has held the post of Community Head since October 2020.

Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn
Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn

On the first day of the full-scale invasion, Oleksandr Hryhorovych managed to organize the coordinated work of his team in radically new conditions.

After the official address of the President of Ukraine, he immediately convened an emergency meeting in the Town Council, where several important decisions were made. The first was to create a territorial defense force, where he was elected commander, the second was to immediately make a line of defense of the town, and the third one was to prepare for the evacuation of the population.

Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn near the famous Romanivsky Bridge, through which the population was evacuated
Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn near the famous Romanivsky Bridge, through which the population was evacuated

Oleksandr Hryhorovych remained in the community throughout the occupation. Having military experience, he defended his native Irpin from the invaders for 5 weeks as the commander of the Territorial Defense Force. He was threatened, attempts were made to solicit him, they even burned down his house, but he did not give up and finally won.

Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn and residents of Irpin during the occupation
Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn and residents of Irpin during the occupation

Under his leadership, 95% of the entire town’s population was evacuated in 10 days, food and medicine were delivered to residents and ammunition was delivered to the military. At first, people were transported by rail, and after 3 days, due to an air raid, the tracks and the train were completely destroyed. At the same time, residents were evacuated by cars with the support of volunteers. 40,000 residents were evacuated across the legendary Romaniv Bridge, thereby saving tens of thousands of lives.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, awarded Oleksandr Markushyn with the 3rd Degree Order for Courage for his steadfastness and indomitability and awarded Irpin with the title of Hero Town.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn during the presentation of the award and awarding of the title of “Hero Town” to Irpin
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn during the presentation of the award and awarding of the title of “Hero Town” to Irpin

After the de-occupation, Oleksandr Markushyn communicates a lot with the townspeople in order not only to be aware of their problems, but also to give them basic attention. But a lot of time is also spent on finding investments for the reconstruction of the town.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn during a visit to the town after de-occupation, May 2022
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Irpin Mayor Oleksandr Markushyn during a visit to the town after de-occupation, May 2022

Development Strategy

The Irpin community has a clear development focus as the “Development Strategy of the Irpin Urban Territorial Community for 2022-2032” has been created.

Irpin is the first town in Ukraine that began to recover after the de-occupation during the war launched by the russian federation against Ukraine. Our team carries out work aimed at systematic sustainable renovation and reconstruction of the community in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and the attraction of investments from the countries of the European Union and international funds.

The strategic goal for the coming years is to build a modern European health community in the western suburbs of Kyiv: energy-efficient, safe and comfortable for people.

The community has all the necessary conditions for the implementation of relevant investment projects:

– developed transport infrastructure and favorable geographical location from the point of view of logistics organization;

– stable, authoritative local government, interested in innovative development of the territory;

– comprehensive support in quick and convenient processing of permit documents;

– highly qualified labor resources;

– the most modern network of electronic communications;

– a reliable trade and financial and credit system;

– an accessible and transparent system of informing about investment resources of the community;

– high-quality services and comfortable conditions for leisure (medicine, cultural institutions, places for active recreation, sports, hotel and restaurant management, trade, etc.).

The priority areas of investment attraction in the Irpin community are as follows:

▪ environmental protection and implementation of environmental protection measures (water treatment facilities, garbage disposal);

▪ implementation of energy- and resource-saving technologies;

▪ medical industry (creation of modern hospitals, dispensaries, preventive clinics, medical and rehabilitation centers);

▪ development of small and medium-sized businesses;

▪ development of communal enterprises;

▪ infrastructure development (roads, parks, sports grounds);

▪ development of tourism business;

▪ development of the construction industry.


Creation of a physiological and psychological rehabilitation center with a swimming pool and a department of prosthetics

Visualization of the rehabilitation center project design
Visualization of the rehabilitation center project design


Visualization of the project design of a preschool education institution with a swimming pool
Visualization of the project design of a preschool education institution with a swimming pool


Visualization of the ice arena project design
Visualization of the ice arena project design


Visualization of the municipal fire station project design
Visualization of the municipal fire station project design


 Installation of solar panels at one of the schools of the Irpin urban territorial community
Installation of solar panels at one of the schools of the Irpin urban territorial community


Visualization of the construction project design of a secondary school
Visualization of the construction project design of a secondary school


List of Sources

The sources of information/photos:

If you want to contact an Ukrainian community or have additional questions regarding the project please contact us: [email protected]