Novooleksandrivska Territorial Community


Novooleksandrivka territorial community is located in Zaporizhia district, Zaporizhia region.

Total area of ​​the territory: 160911 sq km
Population: 5353 (as of 01.01.2024)
Males: 2480
Females: 2093
Children: 790
Pensioners: 1894
Internally displaced persons: 522

The community includes 7 villages, with the administrative center in the village of Novooleksandrivka.


Life on the territory of the community was born millions of years ago. 150 archaeological sites have been discovered there. One of the pearls of this necklace is “Panske Lake”.

Panskoe Lake
Panskoe Lake

The village of Novooleksandrivka was founded by German colonists in 1879 as the village of Pody, and in 1932 it was changed to its current name, Novooleksandrivka.

Novooleksandrivka village, German cemetery
Novooleksandrivka village, German cemetery

The village of Veseljanka is located on the left bank of the Konka River and served as a natural border between the lands of the Zaporozhian Volosts and the Crimean Khanate, and later between the territories of the Katerynoslav and Tavria provinces. The settlement of the future village of Yuliivka appeared on the left bank of the Konka River below the village of Veseljanka around 1700.

Veselyanka village, Kankryna hospital
Veselyanka village, Kankryna hospital
Novooleksandrivka village, prayer house of German colonists and elementary school
Novooleksandrivka village, prayer house of German colonists and elementary school

Economy and Welfare

The Novoaleksandrivska community is famous for its farms. In the field of agro-industry, the following limited liability companies operate: “Oris – Nyva 1”, “Alexander – Agro 2”, “Dana” and the farm “Merker O.V.”

Village of Novooleksandrivka, endless fields
Village of Novooleksandrivka, endless fields

Also operating in the community are the limited liability company “TRADE-TEK” TM “PlasmaTec” (scientific production), the limited liability company “First Mushroom Company”, the limited liability company “Zaporizhrybkombinat” (fish farming), the limited liability company “Stoleks – Ukraine” (poultry farm), and the individual entrepreneur “Bondarenko” TM “Apiary on Lavender” (beekeeping).

Apiary on lavender
Apiary on lavender
Community fields
Community fields

In the field of education, the community has three gymnasiums and a children’s and youth sports club, SK “Legion”. All gymnasiums have preschool units in their structure.

Novoaleksandrivska Gymnasium
Novoaleksandrivska Gymnasium
Novoaleksandrivskyi kindergarten
Novoaleksandrivskyi kindergarten
Sports Club “Legion”
Sports Club “Legion”

Medical services are provided to the population by the Primary Health Care Center.

Novooleksandrivska outpatient clinic
Novooleksandrivska outpatient clinic

Community and War

From the first day of the full-scale invasion, the community has shown unity and indomitability, actively supporting the defenders of Ukraine and organizing assistance.
A year ago, the Novooleksandrivka Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian and Social Issues began its work. It was a time of intense work.
Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, about 300 households, a cultural center, and one of the schools have been destroyed in the community.

Thanks to fruitful cooperation and high-quality communication, it was possible to attract a team of specialists from Proliska – Zaporizhzhia. Employees of the Proliska – Zaporizhzhia Humanitarian Center went to the site of one of the shellings to provide humanitarian assistance from UNHCR Ukraine – the United Nations Refugee Agency in Ukraine (building materials for quick repairs and essential goods). Residents also received psychological assistance and consultations on social issues.

Humanitarian aid from the Proliska Humanitarian Center
Humanitarian aid from the Proliska Humanitarian Center

In April and May 2024, the Russian Federation attacked the territory of the community with missiles. As a result, dozens of houses in the residential sector were damaged.

Specialists from Caritas Zaporizhzhia of the project “Housing for Vulnerable Households in Ukraine III”, which is implemented with the support of Caritas Ukraine and UNHCR Ukraine, went to the site of the damaged houses. The specialists surveyed the damage and registered households that need urgent repairs to restore their living conditions. The project engineers conducted a technical assessment of the damage and prepared estimates for restoration work for further provision to the contractor.

Assistance from Caritas Ukraine and UNHCR Ukraine
Assistance from Caritas Ukraine and UNHCR Ukraine
Assistance from Caritas Ukraine and UNHCR Ukraine
Assistance from Caritas Ukraine and UNHCR Ukraine

Within the walls of the shelters of community gymnasiums, charity fairs or fundraisers are held to support the defenders. Thanks to the incredible active participation of students and parents, we reflect faith in the true power of community.

Shelter of Novooleksandrivska Gymnasium with children and teachers
Shelter of Novooleksandrivska Gymnasium with children and teachers
Shelter of Novooleksandrivska Gymnasium, with preschool students and parents
Shelter of Novooleksandrivska Gymnasium, with preschool students and parents
Gifts for the military
Gifts for the military

An important area of ​​work of the village council is social protection of the population.

Work of psychologists in Novooleksandrivka with the elderly
Work of psychologists in Novooleksandrivka with the elderly
Village of Yulivka, humanitarian aid to large families
Village of Yulivka, humanitarian aid to large families

People of the community

The community has been headed by Kornienko Oleksandr since 2011.

Kornienko Oleksandr
Kornienko Oleksandr

Under the leadership of Oleksandr Kornienko, the community is actively developing, particularly in the areas of medicine, culture, and social security.

To improve healthcare, the community was able to obtain an all-terrain vehicle from the Ministry of Health as part of a joint project with the World Bank, “Strengthening the Health System and Saving Lives” (Heal Ukraine). One of the main goals of the project is to strengthen the capacity of primary health care to provide quality services to the population, especially to people from the most vulnerable groups living in remote areas of the communities.

Medical vehicle
Medical vehicle

At the request of the head of the community to the Zaporizhzhia regional organization of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society, a mobile shelter was installed near the social hub in the village of Hryhorivka. This was implemented within the framework of the project “Strengthening humanitarian response in low-income, remote and rural areas in the most affected regions of Ukraine” in Zaporizhzhia region with the support of the German Red Cross, the Danish Red Cross and funding from the European Union.

Mobile shelter
Mobile shelter

The Novooleksandrivska community of Zaporizhzhia region received a fire truck from benefactors. This was made possible thanks to the cooperation of the regional authorities and the Ukrainian Firefighters Charity Fund. The local fire and rescue team serves 7 settlements, but if necessary, it also participates in the elimination of emergencies in a neighboring community.

The local fire team also received modern rescue equipment. This will improve the level of protection of personnel during the performance of tasks, and the equipment also meets safety standards, which is critically important for a high-quality response to emergencies, especially in frontline settlements.

Fire truck from benefactors
Fire truck from benefactors
Fire equipment
Fire equipment
Fire and rescue team work
Fire and rescue team work

With the assistance of the head of the community and in cooperation with the Stabilization Support Services Charitable Foundation, two printers were received in Zaporizhia region. This equipment is used in the social sphere.

Office equipment for social workers
Office equipment for social workers

For the Administrative Services Center, together with the Yevgeny Pivovarov Charitable Foundation and the American charity organization Direct Relief, we managed to transfer a powerful Tesla Powerwall electricity storage system.

Getting a Tesla Powerwall electricity storage system
Getting a Tesla Powerwall electricity storage system

The new school year for schoolchildren of the Novooleksandrivska community began with a pleasant gift – a brand new school bus.

School bus
School bus
Community leader at a working meeting
Community leader at a working meeting

Development Strategy

The Novoaleksandrivska community is actively working on the development and implementation of strategic development plans aimed at improving the quality of life of residents and sustainable development of the region.
The main tasks have been identified as:
construction of a town for internally displaced persons. People who have lost their homes will be able to socialize there, find work, and gain access to basic services, such as education and healthcare;
restoration of social infrastructure facilities destroyed as a result of attacks by the Russian Federation;

Damage after enemy fire
Damage after enemy fire

A major overhaul of the heating system has been planned and has already been carried out in the school premises to ensure the proper functioning of the system with the installation of a solid fuel boiler room. This will ensure a reduction in the level of atmospheric air pollution and save on heating costs;

Shelter of Novooleksandrivska Gymnasium
Shelter of Novooleksandrivska Gymnasium

carried out repairs and reconstruction of the water supply network to avoid water losses and save money for the local budget. Also, they developed design and estimate documentation for the reconstruction of the water supply network in one of the villages of the community.

Water supply reconstruction
Water supply reconstruction
If you want to contact an Ukrainian community or have additional questions regarding the project please contact us: [email protected]