Blahovishchenka Territorial Community


The Blahovishchenka Rural Territorial Community is located in the territory of the Vasylivka District of the Zaporizhzhia Region on the left bank of the Kakhovka Reservoir.

The total area of the territory: 300.03 km²
Population: 7,404 (prior to 24 February 2022)
Children: 417 (as of 19 June 2023)
Pensioners: 2,671

The Blahovishchenka Rural Territorial Community consists of seven villages with the administrative centre in the village of Blahovishchenka.


The village of Blahovishchenka was founded in late 1787 by the serfs transported by landowner Ivanenko and it was located on the bank of the Dnipro River; however, it was in 1804 that it was given the name of Blahovishchenka.

The remains from the Palaeolithic period were found in the vicinity of Blahovishchenka; a settlement and a burial site dating back to the Bronze Age were studied. Amphorae were found; a settlement of the early Slavic Cherniakhivska culture was discovered. Five graves were excavated on the burial site of settled nomads. Scythian-Sarmatian arrowheads and Roman amphorae were discovered on the outskirts of the village of Ivanivka.

A monument in one of the community’s villages
A monument in one of the community’s villages

Economy and Welfare

Before russia’s full-scale invasion into Ukraine, the economic stability of the community relied on agricultural enterprises, trade enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses.

  There are agricultural societies in the territory of the community that specialize in the cultivation of vegetables and grain crops, the production of oil and animal fats, products of the flour-milling and grain industry, wholesale trade in grain, seeds and animal feed.

Sunflower field
Sunflower field

Also, in the territory of the community on the banks of the Kakhovka Reservoir, there is a company that transports grains from the fields of the southern region by ships.

Local residents grow vegetables in their homesteads.

Residents’ greenhouses
Residents’ greenhouses

Therefore, after the de-occupation, in order to raise the socio-economic level of the community, they plan to focus on:

– creation of own production facilities;

– development of agricultural production in the community;

– creation of the community’s own brand;

Prolisok kindergarten
Prolisok kindergarten Source
Blahovishchenka general secondary school
Blahovishchenka general secondary school Source

 Community and War

The full-scale war came to the community during the first days. On 02 March 2022, the community was occupied by russian troops. Therefore, local residents helped and supported each other whenever someone was left without bread or vital medicines and food. Due to constant shelling, the men were forced to travel to the regional centre for humanitarian aid and cash for pensioners.

There were times when men tried to hold back the enemy by blocking the roads to the community.

The Blahovishchenka Community is located on the bank of the Kakhovka Reservoir of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant, which was blown up by the occupying forces of the russian federation during the night of 06 June 2023 causing an ecological disaster. Residents used to admire the beauty of the Kakhovka Reservoir and had water for irrigating their homesteads. After the explosion, the community was left without water.

Blowing up of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant
Blowing up of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant Source
Shallowed Kakhovka Reservoir after being blown up
Shallowed Kakhovka Reservoir after being blown up
A destroyed vehicle at one of the enterprises in the community after being hit by an enemy shell
A destroyed vehicle at one of the enterprises in the community after being hit by an enemy shell

Many residents left their homes and were forced to move to the territory controlled by Ukraine or beyond it. However, most of them remained under occupation.

In order to describe the historical events and feats of people during the war, the community started a long-term project “Tell the world about you and those close to you!” which will become the community’s historical almanac in the future.

At first glance, this is the story of ordinary people – real, sincere, kind and caring ones. However, they were destined to become truly extraordinary people who became an example for our generations.

This story is not about the cruelty of enemies and the hypocrisy of traitors. It is about the true virtues of the best people who live among us. At present, the first stories are completed, but, unfortunately, they may not be disclosed until the end of the occupation. 

People of the Community

Head of the community: Vitalii Hablo

A young team of the Blahovishchenka Rural Military Administration (head of the community on the left)
A young team of the Blahovishchenka Rural Military Administration (head of the community on the left)

A young team of the newly created Blahovishchenka Rural Military Administration under the leadership of Vitalii Hablo has new tasks, new challenges, meetings and acquaintances every day. Today, the municipality is taking the first steps to rebuild the community after the victory and support its residents in wartime, namely establishing cooperation and partnerships with various organizations.

They recently signed a Memorandum with the Posmishka UA Charitable Foundation to provide for the humanitarian needs of the internally displaced persons of the community staying in the city of Zaporizhzhia.  

Signing a Memorandum with the Posmishka UA Charitable Foundation
Signing a Memorandum with the Posmishka UA Charitable Foundation

They established cooperation with the Zaporizhzhia Regional Employment Centre for employment, training, and obtaining grants to help internally displaced persons of the community staying in the territory controlled by Ukraine start their own businesses.

Cooperation and Partnership Memorandum between the Blahovishchenka Military Administration and the Zaporizhzhia Regional Employment Centre
Cooperation and Partnership Memorandum between the Blahovishchenka Military Administration and the Zaporizhzhia Regional Employment Centre

They became partners with the ARTAK TOGETHER TO THE DREAM charity organization, as well as with the Bastur C society, which will provide free transportation services during the evacuation of the community residents and the provision of humanitarian aid.

Memorandum on cooperation in providing social services between the Blahovishchenka Military Administration and the ARTAK TOGETHER TO THE DREAM charity organization
Memorandum on cooperation in providing social services between the Blahovishchenka Military Administration and the ARTAK TOGETHER TO THE DREAM charity organization

Also important are the memorandum of understanding concluded with Chemonix International Inc. / Partnerships for a Strong Ukraine Foundation, which will comprehensively help in the reconstruction of the community, and the memorandum with the INSO International Organization to provide information services in the search for partners to rebuild the community after the de-occupation.

Development Strategy

The strategic social projects of the community provide for the construction/reconstruction of health care facilities, educational facilities, social security facilities, administrative services centres, namely:

  1. Construction of shelters in educational institutions for the organization of the full-time educational process depending on the security situation in each settlement;
  2. Creation of a centre for providing social services to the community residents with the aim of creating a wide range of administrative services for the community residents;
  3. School Bus program for regular free transportation of the community’s students and teachers to and from educational institutions;
  4. Green Electricity program with the aim of ensuring uninterrupted, autonomous power supply for the community’s critical infrastructure facilities;
Discussing the community reconstruction plan after the de-occupation
Discussing the community reconstruction plan after the de-occupation
  1. Industrial park “Fruit and Vegetable Market “Blahovishchenskyi” with the aim of improving the distribution of vegetable and fruit crops grown by the residents of the community;
  2. Vegetable warehouses for storing products in a cooled condition;
  3. An enterprise processing fruit and vegetable products to create a waste-free product distribution cycle;
  4. A bakery to provide the residents of the community with bread and bakery products and ensure uninterrupted supply to the population of the community in case of shortages of products;
  5. A waste recycling sorting station to change people’s behaviour and attitude towards waste and encourage environmentally balanced solutions in accordance with the Zero Waste lifestyle.
Discussion of the areas of the community’s economic development strategy after the de-occupation with Radoslava NGO and Aleksandra & C NGO
Discussion of the areas of the community’s economic development strategy after the de-occupation with Radoslava NGO and Aleksandra & C NGO
If you want to contact an Ukrainian community or have additional questions regarding the project please contact us: [email protected]