Illintsi Territorial Community


The Illintsi urban territorial community is located on the territory of the Vinnytsia district, Vinnytsia region. The administrative center of the community is the town of Illintsi.
The total area of the territory: 470

Population: 20,757 people
Men: 9,815 people
Women: 10,942 persons
Children: 3,772 persons
People of retirement age: 5,914
Internally displaced persons: 2,340

The community includes 1 town and 29 rural population centers


The town of Illintsi is the oldest settlement on the Sob River. On the outskirts of the town, the remains of Scythian mounds (4th-3rd centuries BC), and one of the oldest Slavic settlements which dates back to the 5th century AD are well preserved.

The earliest mention of the settlement of Illintsi appeared in 1391 in the deed of the Koriatovych Princes, and later (1648) it was marked on Beauplan’s map as Elins. At that time, it was a small settlement that often changed hands. 

In 1757, the town received Magdeburg rights, which gave it the opportunity to self-govern, and after the agrarian reform, Illintsi became the parish center of the Lypovets district of the Kyiv province.

An interesting fact about the town is that Illintsi is the most stable small town in Vinnytsia in terms of population growth, which indicates a high level of economic and social development. It is worth coming here in order to get acquainted with local folklore and art, as well as interesting historical buildings, of which there are not many left due to the military events of the 20th century.

The list of interesting architectural forms that are worth visiting includes the Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin, built in 1773 and the Holy Resurrection Cathedral, which is considered a real decoration of the town. The latter was built in the 20th century as a gift to the residents of the town from Princess Olena Demydova San-Donato. Also worthy of attention is the St. Nicholas Church – the oldest wooden church dated 1751.

Illintsi, 1902
Illintsi, 1902
Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin
Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin
Holy Resurrection Cathedral
Holy Resurrection Cathedral
St. Nicholas Church
St. Nicholas Church

The Illintsi crater is the tourist jewel of the Illintsi community – the most famous meteorite crater over 400 million years old. Researchers believe that it was there that an event of a global scale– the collision of a planet with a cosmic body – took place. Its cosmic origin has been proven by scientists, and in the crater itself you can find various unexpected metals and stones.

In 2021, the “Illintsi Astroblem” project, which was submitted for participation in the “Our Community” Competition as part of The USAID Program, “Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency” (DOBRE), made it to the finals.

The Illintsi crater
The Illintsi crater

Guests can learn more about the history of the Illints area at the Illintsi Local History Museum. The exposition in five halls tells about the nature, history and culture of the region. In particular, an archaeological collection of artifacts of Tryplian culture, an ethnographic selection of household items of the 17th-20th centuries, a collection of musical instruments, tableware, ceramics, and numismatics are presented. The main holdings of the museum include 1,709 units and the research auxiliary holdings include 866 museum exhibits.

Museum of Local History
Museum of Local History

Every year, the All-Ukrainian Youth Art Plein Air of potters and painters is held in the village of Zhornyshche with the participation of students from art universities of Ukraine (Kyiv, Kharkiv, Uzhhorod, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Tulchyn) for the creation and opening of the Oleksandr Ganzha Folk Art Museum in the village of Zhornyshche. A Song Resounding Over the Sob River, an international festival of folk and choral singing has also become a good tradition. This year it was held in both offline and online formats.

The plein air of potters and painters
The plein air of potters and painters
A Song Resounding Over the Sob River, an international festival of folk and choral singing
A Song Resounding Over the Sob River, an international festival of folk and choral singing

Economy and Welfare

The Illintsi urban territorial community specializes in industrial and agricultural production.

Industrial enterprises operating in the territory of the community include as follows:

Lustdorf Limited Liability Company is one of the leaders in the production of dairy products in Ukraine and the main budget-generating enterprise in the community. Currently, more than 800 people work there. The enterprise processes an average of 430 tons of milk per day. Since 2016, the company has been supplying products to more than 25 countries. The enterprise has its treatment facilities built according to German technologies, which were used in Ukraine for the first time.

Lustdorf Limited Liability Company
Lustdorf Limited Liability Company

The community also has the Illintsi Forestry whose forest plantations occupy an area of 17,815 hectares.

The food industry is the top sector (98%) in the structure of the community’s economy with dairy and sugar industries occupying a leading place. The strategic goal of the community’s industrial policy remains the attraction of investment resources for the construction of new and reconstruction of existing production facilities to restore the manufacture of industrial products, increase the manufacture of their new types, raise the competitiveness of products and expand their assortment.

There are 13 preschool education institutions in the community, where children from 1 to 6 years of age receive their education. Preschool education in the community covers 635 preschoolers.

There are also 8 lyceums and 5 branches in which almost 2,500 students study.

Extracurricular education in the Illintsi community is represented by two institutions: the Center for Children’s and Youth Creativity and the Children’s and Youth Sports School.

Illintsi Lyceum No. 1
Illintsi Lyceum No. 1
Illintsi Lyceum No. 2
Illintsi Lyceum No. 2
Children's Preschool “Sonechko”
Children's Preschool “Sonechko”

The community also has sports groups for table tennis, volleyball, judo, athletics and basketball.

Basketball competition
Basketball competition
Athletics competition
Athletics competition
Judo competition
Judo competition
School of aesthetic education
School of aesthetic education

The field of health care is represented by the Center for Primary Health Care, which includes 5 dispensaries, 18 medical and obstetrical stations and one health center. 11 family doctors provide primary medical care to the population of the community.

Communal enterprise
Communal enterprise "Center for Primary Health Care of the Illintsi Town Council”
Communal non-commercial enterprise “Illintsi Town Hospital”
Communal non-commercial enterprise “Illintsi Town Hospital”

Community and War

From the first days of the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine, the Illintsi urban territorial community provided assistance to those people who suffered from the war and were forced to leave their homes due to active hostilities, including the provision of temporary housing, basic necessities, medical aid, and the organization of meals. At that time, more than 3,600 internally displaced persons were officially registered in the community. Actually, this number was much higher, because many families with children stayed for a night in the community and continued their journey in the morning.

The internally displaced persons were accommodated in educational institutions, dormitories of the Illintsi Agricultural College, prayer houses. Residents of the community also helped with housing and food. Currently, 2,340 internally displaced persons live in the Illintsi community. 

The residents of Illintsi also joined in helping the residents of the Kherson region, whose homes were flooded after the russians blew up the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant. They sent humanitarian cargos, provided the necessary equipment. For four months, employees of the utility company “Dobrobut” of the town council restored damaged houses and cleaned the streets from the consequences of flooding.

Like the whole of Ukraine, the residents of the community are united in a common goal – bring our victory over the enemy closer. Together they support defenders who defend our freedom and independence at the cost of their lives every day. The leadership of the community, deputies, employees of the town council, volunteers, doctors, business owners and private entrepreneurs, all residents of the community mobilized efforts to help the military.

Since the beginning of the war, the Illintsi Town Council has allocated UAH 17.3 million of subvention for the needs of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. They provided soldiers with generators, construction materials, purchased military equipment, bought and repaired cars. Both adults and children join in the common cause. Cultural and teaching workers, student and pupil teams, talented patriotic youth hold charity events, concerts and other cultural and artistic events to raise funds.

A car for the military
A car for the military
Fundraising for the military
Fundraising for the military
Charity action on the market square “Return Alive”
Charity action on the market square “Return Alive”

They organized the weaving of camouflage nets, the production of trench candles and amulets for soldiers, the sewing of military ammunition. Housewives prepare home-made dishes, canned meat and fish for long-term storage and, together with volunteers, hand them over to the soldiers.

Weaving camouflage nets
Weaving camouflage nets

Initiative residents of the community started the public project “DRON SOB” – since the beginning of the year they have produced more than 200 FPV drones that help the military destroy the enemy.

FPV drones
FPV drones
Aid for internally displaced persons
Aid for internally displaced persons

People of the Community

Volodymyr Yaschuk has headed the Illintsi urban territorial community for the third convocation in a row.

Mayor Volodymyr Yashchuk
Mayor Volodymyr Yashchuk

Volodymyr Yashchuk sees community development as a combination of economic, ecological, social components, and digitization of the community. It was on his initiative that the construction of a waste sorting complex was started, and European approaches to the collection, sorting and disposal of waste were introduced.

The community sorts garbage, produces polymer sand tiles from film and has its own waste incineration plant, that is, a closed cycle of solid household waste management.

In 2019, the town of Illintsi became the winner of the All-Ukrainian competition “SMART CITY” in the category “Environmentally Responsible Town”. This is a green community where a greenhouse business works and flowers are grown for landscaping and beautification. There they can share their experience in the field of solid household waste management.

Awards for the winners of the All-Ukrainian competition “SMART CITY”
Awards for the winners of the All-Ukrainian competition “SMART CITY”
Waste sorting complex of the communal enterprise “Dobrobut”
Waste sorting complex of the communal enterprise “Dobrobut”
Representatives of communities from different parts of Ukraine come to learn from the community's experience in the field of solid household waste management
Representatives of communities from different parts of Ukraine come to learn from the community's experience in the field of solid household waste management
Production of polymer sand tiles
Production of polymer sand tiles
Greenhouse of the communal enterprise
Greenhouse of the communal enterprise "Dobrobut"

A lot has been done to improve the infrastructure and beautify the community’s population centers, modernize the material and technical base of communal enterprises and institutions of the social sphere.

A full-scale war changed the main priorities in work, crossed out many plans and ideas. Today, the most important tasks are supporting the Defense Forces of Ukraine, ensuring the stable operation of enterprises and filling the budget, caring for the families of servicemen and families of fallen Heroes, helping internally displaced persons, and ensuring the safety of community residents.

It is planned to open a “Return to Life” Rehabilitation and Support Center for veterans and their family members in the community on the basis of the town hospital.

Funds are currently being sought for the equipment of the Center and for the purchase of a spiral computed tomography scanner.

Development Strategy

The community has prepared and approved a Sustainable Development Strategy for 2020-2027. A modern community website has been developed and a Facebook page and “SVOI” chat bot have been created.

Currently, together with the German-Ukrainian Agro-Political Dialog Project, the community is working on amending the Community Development Strategy with an emphasis on agriculture.

With the support of EGAP, the Eastern Europe Foundation installed a solar power plant that ensures the operation of the Administrative Services Center, as well as equipment for printing passports. A STEM laboratory has been installed in Lyceum No. 2.

Our most promising and relevant plans still include the opening of the “Return to Life” Rehabilitation and Support Center, the construction of solar power plants at critical town infrastructure facilities to ensure uninterrupted water supply and drainage, as well as in lyceums and the town hospital. This matter became especially relevant during the full-scale invasion.

The meeting of Community Head Volodymyr Yashchuk with the participants of the APD German-Ukrainian Agro-Political Dialog Project. The head of the project is Maria Yaroshko.
The meeting of Community Head Volodymyr Yashchuk with the participants of the APD German-Ukrainian Agro-Political Dialog Project. The head of the project is Maria Yaroshko.
If you want to contact an Ukrainian community or have additional questions regarding the project please contact us: [email protected]