Medvedivka Territorial Community


The Medvedivka Territorial Community is located in the territory of the Cherkasy District of the Cherkasy Region.

The total area of the territory is 206,653 km2.
The population of the Community totals 3,919 residents.
Women: 2,030 residents
Men: 1,779 residents
Internally displaced persons: 110 people

The Community consists of nine settlements. The administrative centre of the Community is located in the village of Medvedivka.


The heart of the Community is Kholodny Yar, a relict forest that has historical and environmental significance. The National Nature Reserve has been formed on part of the territory of Kholodny Yar and the lands of the Community. In terms of the number of unique archaeological, historical, and scientific sites, and there are more than 150 of them, Kholodny Yar ranks first in Ukraine. Burial mounds of the Scythian era and later eras are scattered everywhere in the forest and in the fields around it.

Kholodny Yar National Nature Reserve
Kholodny Yar National Nature Reserve

In the territory of Kholodny Yar, in the village of Buda, there is a 1,100-year-old Maksym Zalizniak oak tree, known far beyond the borders of Ukraine.

Maksym Zalizniak oak tree
Maksym Zalizniak oak tree Source

The Community consists of nine settlements, each of which has its own history, tourist attractions, natural sites and architecture.

The village of Holovkivka was the centre of Ukrainian pottery and Flemish ceramic painting. Painted bowls, dishes, jugs, pots, etc. were made there.

Earthenware created in the village of Holovkivka
Earthenware created in the village of Holovkivka

The Ataman Park is located near the village. This is a protected tract with a system of ponds and alleys, where the Zhyvun healing spring is located. Its medicinal properties were known even before the 1st century BC. Cossacks and Haidamakys also paid tribute to this water, treating their wounds with it.

According to legend, it was formed when the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called and his disciples passed by Kholodny Yar in a hot summer. When they wanted to drink, the apostle hit the ground with his staff and cool water flowed out from that place.

Zhyvun spring
Zhyvun spring

Medvedivka, Ivkivtsi, Melnyky, Motria Convent and Kholodny Yar became the place of active actions of the rebels against the enslavers in different years. They were led by famous Cossack Maksym Zalizniak. The struggle of the Kholodny Yar Cossacks is described in detail in the famous book “Holodny Yar” by Yurii Horlis-Horskyi and the novel “Black Raven” by Vasyl Shkliar.

The Motria Convent served as a fortress at the same time. Its defensive ramparts have been preserved.

Motria Convent, village of Melnyky
Motria Convent, village of Melnyky Source

The Memorial to the volunteer Cossacks who died in the struggle for the Ukrainian State in 2022-2023 was opened.

Memorial to the volunteer Cossacks, village of Melnyky
Memorial to the volunteer Cossacks, village of Melnyky Source

Economy and Welfare

The Medvedivka Community has a developed agro-industrial complex. The land is rich in fertile soil.

The Community specializes in growing grains: wheat, rye, corn, barley, sunflower, soybeans, rapeseed, peas, and vegetables. Seventeen small agricultural enterprises and four farms operate there. There are three woodworking enterprises operating in the territory of the Community, whose territory is rich in mixed and pine forests.

Sown fields of the Medvedivka Territorial Community
Sown fields of the Medvedivka Territorial Community Source

Nibulon JV LLC, an agricultural company, operates in the territory of the Community. 

On the territory of the community there is an agro-enterprise-LLC JV “Nibulon”. This is the largest agricultural company of Ukraine, which has fifty enterprises and divisions (including subsidiaries) in thirteen regions of Ukraine, one of them operating in the Medvedivka Community. The company has transhipment terminals and elevators receiving, storing and shipping grain and oil crops.

In the village of Medvedivka, there is a large pig breeding complex: Zolotonosha Bacon LLC.

Zolotonosha Bacon LLC
Zolotonosha Bacon LLC Source

Community and War

The Community responded to the full-scale war by organizing self-defence units, a volunteer movement and receiving internally displaced persons, as it is located in the centre of Ukraine. Many residents of the Community defend the independence of Ukraine on the front-lines.

Collection of humanitarian aid and food for the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Collection of humanitarian aid and food for the Armed Forces of Ukraine Source

At the educational institutions and the Village Council, the residents constantly collect and cook food: they bake pies, cook dumplings, various tinned foods, collect hygiene products, clothes, and necessary items for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and internally displaced persons. The residents of the Community help the residents of the Kherson Region in the reconstruction of their residential buildings.

Making a roof in the village of Ivanivka in the Vysokopillia Community of the Kherson Region
Making a roof in the village of Ivanivka in the Vysokopillia Community of the Kherson Region Source

The Village Council has adopted the Gardens of Victory program. It provides for the food self-sufficiency of its residents during the war. Potatoes, cucumbers, zucchinis, carrots, beets, and tomatoes are grown by the joint efforts of the Community residents. Schools, kindergartens, hospitals, a home for veterans, military, internally displaced persons and the Community residents in need are provided with their own foods.

Harvest of cucumbers and potatoes in the Victory Gardens
Harvest of cucumbers and potatoes in the Victory Gardens

People of the Community

Since 2020, Andrii Ivanchenko has been the head of the Medvedivka Village Council.

Head of the Community (in the centre) at the Ukrainian National Clean-Up Day
Head of the Community (in the centre) at the Ukrainian National Clean-Up Day Source

The head is interested in the development of the Community: he supports local businesses, volunteers and helps rebuild the territories that need reconstruction after military operations, attracts investments in the Community.

The head of the Community (on the left in the photo) is receiving aid for the residents of the Community and helps rebuild damaged houses in the Kherson Region
The head of the Community (on the left in the photo) is receiving aid for the residents of the Community and helps rebuild damaged houses in the Kherson Region Source

The festival “Unconquered Nation “Holodny Yar” is held in the territory of the Community. This is a Ukrainian nationalist, educational, charity festival, which was held for the first time in 2015. Every year, the festival gathers about 8,000 visitors. The festival program consists of talks with the participation of famous politicians and public activists, famous writers, master classes, as well as a music stage.

Unconquered Nation festival
Unconquered Nation festival

Children’s music forums are held in the village of Holovkivka on the Zhukova Hora natural site.

Music forum in the village of Holovkivka
Music forum in the village of Holovkivka Source

The Community residents are concerned about the environment. That is why they regularly organize clean-ups and plant trees, involving all the residents of the Community.

Planting trees in the village of Medvedivka
Planting trees in the village of Medvedivka Source

Also, the employees of the Kholodny Yar National Nature Reserve conduct environmental and educational campaigns in various areas.

Environmental campaigns held by the Kholodny Yar National Nature Reserve
Environmental campaigns held by the Kholodny Yar National Nature Reserve Source

Development Strategy

The Medvedivka Community has adopted its development strategy until 2026, with some amendments made in 2023.

The Community strives to create attractive conditions for doing business, providing assistance to young people in starting their own business, developing entrepreneurship, cooperative movement, farming, developing tourism, and creating comfortable living conditions for the Community residents, internally displaced persons.

There are free plots of land and premises for the creation of new enterprises in the territory of the Community. Therefore, there are plans to increase the industrial potential by developing new infrastructure and attracting investors.

Discussing the development strategy
Discussing the development strategy

List of Sources


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