Morshyn Territorial Community


The Morshyn urban territorial community is located in Stryi district, Lviv region. 

The total area of the territory: 122.2 sq. km
Population: 14,148 (as of January 01, 2022)
Children: 1,899
People of retirement age: 3,535
Internally displaced persons: 4,100 (as of September 8, 2023)

The community includes 14 population centers and has its administrative center in the town of Morshyn.


The first written mention of Morshyn dates back to January 2, 1482 and can be found in a court record saying that the village of Morshyn belonged to the nobleman Yuriy (Juhno) Nagwazdan and was part of the Polish kingdom. At that time, it was a small village with 12 households.

In 1875, with the construction of the Stryi-Stanislav railway through Morshyn, the life of the town revived significantly. The then owner of Morshyn, merchant Boniface Stiller – a German by origin – rew people’s attention to the picturesque area, which was now well connected. Newspapers for 1877 reported that a climatic resort for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis was opening in Morshyn.

Morshyn in old times
Morshyn in old times

1878 was the year of the first official treatment season with the opening of the Institution for the Treatment of Chest Diseases. Since then, the mineral waters of the Morshyn springs have become the subject of study.

Chapel near the Spring of the Mother of God
Chapel near the Spring of the Mother of God

The resort season of 1880 opened with a new name – Treatment with Mineral Waters and Mud. Water from mineral springs began to be used for baths, and peat mud – for mud baths and applications. Morshyn has become a spa resort.

Mineral Water Pump-room
Mineral Water Pump-room

Morshyn became famous. Now it was known not only in Austria-Hungary, but also beyond its borders. In advertising brochures published before the First World War, Morshyn was compared to the most popular European resorts and was called Galician Spa and Galician Carlsbad.

There are two architectural monuments on the territory of the town: the building of the Marble Palace sanatorium (1938) and the wooden Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin (1825) which was renovated in 2016. 

Marble Palace Sanatorium
Marble Palace Sanatorium
Wooden Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God
Wooden Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God

In 2018, the Museum of One Icon was opened in the premises of the architectural monument, where only copies of icons of the Holy Mother of God were collected.

Museum of icons of the Holy Mother of God in a wooden church
Museum of icons of the Holy Mother of God in a wooden church

During the years 2012-2017, they, together with the twin town of Horynec-Zdrój, Poland, reconstructed the horticultural art monument park, Resort Park of 1878. The sight became another highlight of the community. The amphitheater of the park hosts various festivals, mass cultural and entertainment events, and movie screening in the open air.

Resort Park, a horticultural art monument park
Resort Park, a horticultural art monument park
Amphitheater in Morshyn
Amphitheater in Morshyn

On June 10, 2023, Morshyn became a resort of state importance.

Economy and Welfare

The main types of economic activity in the community are wholesale and retail trade, repair services, health care, production of mineral water, agriculture.

The largest enterprises are:

Oscar, a Morshyn mineral water plant
Oscar, a Morshyn mineral water plant
Morshynkurort Sanatorium
Morshynkurort Sanatorium
St. Charbel, a hotel and health resort
St. Charbel, a hotel and health resort

The community also has the Health-Master Company (Marble Palace Sanatorium), the Morshynskyi Sanatorium, the Arkadia Plus Company (sanatorium and resort recreation), the MriyDiy private school, the Favorit KIM farm, and other companies and institutions. 

Also, 11 educational institutions, a school of aesthetic education, museums and 11 libraries operate on the territory of the community. The health care sector is represented by a municipal hospital and a rehabilitation hospital, as well as 4 sanatorium resort facilities, 7 recreation and hotel&restaurant complexes, 8 hotels etc.

Stepan Bandera Manor Museum
Stepan Bandera Manor Museum
Lynx, symbol of the Carpathians, a 3-meter sculpture installed in 2019 in the Morshyn Resort Park
Lynx, symbol of the Carpathians, a 3-meter sculpture installed in 2019 in the Morshyn Resort Park Source

Community and War

Since the first days of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, more than 17,000 internally displaced persons who suffered from military operations and were forced to leave their homes found temporary shelter in the Morshyn community.

Internally displaced persons were helped with housing, provided with free hot lunches, and psychological and legal assistance.

The work of international foundations with internally displaced persons
The work of international foundations with internally displaced persons
Pizza on wheels from the British organization for internally displaced children
Pizza on wheels from the British organization for internally displaced children

In order to distract internally displaced persons, they were involved in the cultural and artistic life of the community.

Workshop on making Easter decorations
Workshop on making Easter decorations
Physical culture and health event
Physical culture and health event
Receiving humanitarian aid
Receiving humanitarian aid

There are 10 collective centers for compact living of internally displaced persons on the territory of the Morshyn territorial community. Also, a large part of internally displaced persons live in the private sector of the community.

Communication with charitable foundations and places of compact living for the provision of humanitarian aid has been established. Thanks to this communication, we received microwave ovens, slow cookers, washing machines, hygiene products and other necessary things.

Receiving help from benefactors
Receiving help from benefactors

The All-Ukrainian veteran forum, Circle of Brothers, was held in Morshyn for representatives of public organizations, local territorial communities, rehabilitation centers, veteran associations, human rights defenders, lawyers, psychologists, experts in social work from Lviv, Volyn, Zaporizhzhia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Dnipro, Odesa regions and Kyiv. During two days, they discussed almost all areas of support, assistance, adaptation and rehabilitation of veterans.

Circle of Brothers, All-Ukrainian Veteran Forum
Circle of Brothers, All-Ukrainian Veteran Forum

People of the Community

Head of the Morshyn Urban Territorial Community Ruslan Ilnytskyi
Head of the Morshyn Urban Territorial Community Ruslan Ilnytskyi

Ruslan Ilnytskyi is the head of the Morshyn urban territorial community. Since 2006, he has been elected Mayor of Morshyn four times in a row.

During his work, the head of the community implemented many interesting and useful projects.

The out-patient and therapeutic departments of the Morshyn Hospital were renovated.

Renovated Out-Patient Department of the Municipal Hospital
Renovated Out-Patient Department of the Municipal Hospital

In the outpatient clinic of one of the villages, the community created a comfortable waiting area for patients, a play area for children, and a playground as part of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) project.

Play area for children in the outpatient clinic
Play area for children in the outpatient clinic

New educational and development spaces, Biblioniania, were opened for the youngest visitors. These are bright children’s rooms with educational literature, toys, puzzles, games and multimedia. 

Biblioniania, educational and development spaces
Biblioniania, educational and development spaces

Ruslan Ilnytskyi established communication with the heads of cities that suffered due to full-scale russian aggression. The cooperation has resulted in the opening of the health center, IMariupol. Family and rehabilitation and recreation of children from the hero town of Okhtyrka.

A meeting of the Mayor of Morshyn with the Mayor of the hero city of Mariupol and the Director of the Morshynkurort Sanatorium State-Owned Enterprise
A meeting of the Mayor of Morshyn with the Mayor of the hero city of Mariupol and the Director of the Morshynkurort Sanatorium State-Owned Enterprise
A meeting of the Mayor of Morshyn with the Mayor of the hero town of Okhtyrka
A meeting of the Mayor of Morshyn with the Mayor of the hero town of Okhtyrka

Morshyn is a town of festivals. Cultural and mass events of folk and modern choreography, a festival of orchestras, a festival of colors, Christmas celebrations, open-air movie screenings, chess and football festivals, etc., have already become traditional for the residents and guests of the town.

Regional Festival and Competition of Folk and Modern Choreography, Rhythms of Prykarpattia
Regional Festival and Competition of Folk and Modern Choreography, Rhythms of Prykarpattia

Development Strategy

The strategic priorities for the development of the Morshyn community until 2027 are the development of the health resort and tourism industries; diversification of the community economy; improving the quality of life.

To implement the strategy, the following activities are planned: the construction/reconstruction of water supply and sewage networks, the reconstruction of sewage treatment facilities, the construction/reconstruction of street lighting on the streets of population centers where it is absent or in need of improvement, the reconstruction/capital/ongoing repair of roads in the community, the renewal of the natural environment of the Morshyn resort and reconstruction of recreational areas.

Recreational area
Recreational area
Recreational area
Recreational area

It is also planned to create an interactive historical and entertainment park of science, entertainment and recreation, Boniface (reconstruction), create a natural and ecological park, Valley of Tales “Mykyta’s Fox”, equip the Museum of the History of the Morshyn Resort and reconstruct the Morshyn Municipal Hospital in order to create a military rehabilitation center there.

Morshyn Municipal Hospital
Morshyn Municipal Hospital

The community is also working on the development of a municipal energy plan until 2030 and is a member of the Covenant of Mayors on Climate and Energy.

Solemn signing ceremony of the “Agreement of Mayors on Climate and Energy” by twenty mayors of cities from different countries of the Eastern Partnership
Solemn signing ceremony of the “Agreement of Mayors on Climate and Energy” by twenty mayors of cities from different countries of the Eastern Partnership
If you want to contact an Ukrainian community or have additional questions regarding the project please contact us: [email protected]