Talalaivka Territorial Community


The Talalaivka Rural Territorial Community is located in the Nizhyn District of the Chernihiv Region.

The total area of the territory: 249.6 km2
Population: 5,674 people
Men: 2,715 people
Women: 2,959 people
Children: 925 people
Pensioners: 1,668 people
Internally displaced persons: 117 people

There are 15 villages in the territory of the Talalaivka Community with the administrative centre in the village of Talalaivka, which is located 156 km from the capital of the country – the city of Kyiv, and 116 km from the regional centre – the city of Chernihiv. 


According to the local legends, the name of the village comes from its first settler, Cossack Talalai, who developed his battalion on the site of the current village. There is another version of the origin of the name. Folk tales say that when the Mongol-Tatars approached the village, tall grass stood in their way. It was called “talala”. That is how the name of the village emerged. In memory of these events, the Bykivska grave has been preserved to this day, in which, according to the legends of the old-timers, the treasures of the village church are hidden.

Bykivska Grave mound
Bykivska Grave mound

In the historical documents, the name “Talalaivka” was first mentioned in 1627, and it sounded like Talaiowka. This is how French engineer Guillaume de Beauplan, the author of the General Description of Ukraine, marked the village on the map.

The first mention of the school in Talalaivka dates back to the beginning of the 18th century, since it was then (1732) that the wooden church of the Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva began to function in the village, also running a parish school.

In October 1894, the Talalaivka school of literacy for girls, founded by priest Velichkovskyi, began to work in the village.

Ancient school
Ancient school

The Saint Nicholas Church in the village of Bezuhlivka is an architectural landmark of national importance. The church was built in the centre of the village so that the three main streets converge directly at the church; it can be seen from far away.

Saint Michael’s Church in Bezuhlivka
Saint Michael’s Church in Bezuhlivka Source

During World War Two, a partisan group operated in the territory of the village and joined the partisan group “For the Motherland”. More than 650 residents approached the day of victory over Nazism, of which 195 were awarded with orders and medals. 411 Talaivka residents died a brave death. The immortal feat of the heroes of the village is immortalized by the Glory obelisk.

In the post-war period, a collective farm operated in the village, the field of services developed; a hospital, a school, a kindergarten functioned, and the cultural life in the village was organized at the Culture Centre.

Upon achievement of independence and the development of entrepreneurship, farms were formed in the village.

Economy and Welfare

The community runs five institutions of general secondary education (one of which was destroyed due to the occupation by the troops of the russian federation), a preschool educational institution, a culture centre, three village clubs, six village libraries, a family doctor’s outpatient clinic, six paramedics and midwives centres, 21 agricultural businesses.

One of the schools in the community
One of the schools in the community Source
A destroyed school
A destroyed school Source

The main areas of specialization of enterprises include the growing of grain and technical crops, processing of oil crops into oil, animal husbandry.

Over the last two years, taking into account the full-scale war, one of the companies in the territory of the community put into operation a grain drying complex with four hoppers of 90 thousand tons. This made it possible to create new jobs and ensure long-term grain storage.

Community and War

After February 24, the community suffered powerful blows from the troops of the russian federation. As a result of shelling and bombing, 93 residential and commercial buildings were destroyed and damaged.

In addition, the municipal bridge across the Viunnytsia River, which was of the strategic importance for the residents of the community, was completely destroyed, and some residents have no connection with the centre of the community and the district. Currently there are problems with traffic, the work of medical transport and the local fire brigade is almost critical. Two schools of the community, the administrative building of the Starosta-headed district and the village club were damaged and destroyed as well.

The inhumane behaviour of the military of the russian federation during the occupation in the village of Velyka Doroha led to significant damage caused to the school. The invaders set up their headquarters and a hospital there, destroyed furniture and smashed windows. Military equipment was dug up in the yard; the depth of some pits reaches 2 meters. Because of this, the community decided to close the school and transfer the students to a neighbouring village.

The village of Velyka Doroha was under occupation from 24.02.2022 to 31.03.2022. The barbaric and audacious behaviour of the invaders resulted in the destruction and clogging of private wells, which, first and foremost, affected the quality of water. Now the community is developing measures to improve the drinking water quality, but due to its current financial situation the community cannot afford the construction of a water supply line or pumping stations.

Employees of the Culture Centre helped to sort out the rubble of damaged buildings after the offensive of the invaders in the village of Velyka Doroha
Employees of the Culture Centre helped to sort out the rubble of damaged buildings after the offensive of the invaders in the village of Velyka Doroha Source

In order for the soldiers on the front lines to have everything they need, the whole community collects and sends all kinds of aid to them.

For instance, in the cultural centre, the residents of the community gather every day to weave camouflage nets. Caring people supplied enough fabric. Finished nets were sent to the front lines more than once.

The residents of the community bring foods, which are handed over to the soldiers on the front lines.

Weaving camouflage nets for the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Weaving camouflage nets for the Armed Forces of Ukraine Source

People of the Community

Liudmyla Andrusenko, head of the community

Liudmyla Andrusenko, head of the community
Liudmyla Andrusenko, head of the community Source

During the occupation, Ludmila Andrusenko, together with her colleagues Andrii Dudka and Serhii Yarmolenko and other caring residents, delivered bread for the community, transported it across the destroyed bridge from the town of Nizhyn. During one of these trips, she came under fire, was wounded as one of the shrapnel remained in her body forever.

In the community, a large number of residents stood up for the country’s defence in the first days of the full-scale invasion.

They included Tatul Ohanyan, a 41-year-old local resident and a counsellor from Bezuhlivka, volunteered to defend the country in the first days of the full-scale russian invasion. Together with his colleagues, he defended Nizhyn and the neighbouring villages, had several difficult battles. During one of them, Tatul was blown up by an anti-tank mine. The explosion tore off both of his legs. He survived miraculously and did not break down. After completing a prosthetics course, Tatul learned to walk again and teaches people to enjoy every new day. 

Tatul Ohanyan
Tatul Ohanyan Source

Vadym Blahovisnyi (14 September 1995, died on 07 September 2022), a Ukrainian military serviceman, lieutenant colonel (posthumously) of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. A hero of the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi II and III Degree Order (the President of Ukraine awarded this award to Vadym in August 2022, a few weeks before his death), a Hero of Ukraine.

When the full-scale war broke out, Vadym defended the Ukrainian sky from the russian invaders. He had 95 battle flights and successfully inflicted numerous losses on the enemy. During this time, Vadym Blahovisnyi destroyed about 100 armoured vehicles, more than 80 motor vehicles, approximately 40 tankers and about 800 enemy troops.

Vadym Blahovisnyi
Vadym Blahovisnyi Source

Development Strategy

A working group has been set up in the community to draft the Talalaivka Community Development Strategy for 2024-2027 and an action plan for its implementation.

A working group meeting to draft the Development Strategy
A working group meeting to draft the Development Strategy

List of Sources

If you want to contact an Ukrainian community or have additional questions regarding the project please contact us: [email protected]