Troitske Territorial Community


The Community is situated in the central part of the Pavlohrad District of the Dnipropetrovsk Region. The administrative centre of the Troitske Territorial Community is the village of Troitske located 88 kilometres from the regional centre, i.e. the city of Dnipro.

The total area of the Community amounts to 291.39 square kilometres. The Troitske Community consists of ten rural localities.
As of 01 January 2024, the population of the Community amounted to 3,237 residents.
Men: 1,650 residents
Women: 1,587 residents
Internally displaced persons: 486 people


Bronze Age barrows and the remains of an early Slavic settlement of the Cherniakhiv culture were discovered near the village.

It was first mentioned in written sources in 1783. At that time it belonged to Prince Prozorovsky. As of 1886, 745 people lived in the village of Troitske, and there were 134 households.

The most famous landmark of the village is the Holy Trinity Church. The Holy Trinity Church is located on the highest site, not far from the banks of the Vovcha River. Its white walls can be seen far beyond the village. This is the oldest church in the Pavlohrad District, one of the oldest in the Dnipropetrovsk Region.

On 10 March 1795, the church was destroyed by fire.

In 1953, the church was closed and partially destroyed, and in 1955 it was converted into a mill and an oil mill.

In 2011, the church was repaired and renovated. In the summer of 2024, it marked its 213 anniversary.

Holy Trinity Church, 2010 (being overhauled)
Holy Trinity Church, 2010 (being overhauled)

The Balka Horodyshche and Troitsko-Vyshnevetskyi landscape reserves of local importance are located near the village.

The historical sites include the Monument to underground teacher Zaporozhchenko and the Memorial to the fallen soldiers.

Memorial to the fallen soldiers in the village of Troitske
Memorial to the fallen soldiers in the village of Troitske
Monument to underground teacher Zaporozhchenko
Monument to underground teacher Zaporozhchenko

The village of Pryvovchanske (in the past – Prusenivka, in the 1905-1960s – Oleksiivka) is located on the left bank of the Vovcha River.

During World War II, German troops occupied the village on 12 October 1941. During the post-war years, the village was developed. Now the village is called Pryvovchanske.

A historical site is the Pryvovchanske Maidan, a building consisting of earthen ramparts several meters high, arranged in a special, traditional way for similar buildings.

Photo: Pryvovchanske Maidan
Photo: Pryvovchanske Maidan

The Balka Horodyshche and Troitsko-Vyshnevetskyi landscape reserves of local importance are located near the village.

Economy and Welfare

There are deposits of coal, kaolin (white ore), and sand in the territory of the Community. Water resources: the Vovcha, Mala Tersa Rivers and three ponds.

The Territorial Community is located in an attractive recreational zone near rivers and forests, which provides an opportunity for the development of “green tourism”. Agricultural lands make up 76.4% of the total land area of the Community.

More than 300 businesses operate in the territory of the Troitske Village Council. Most of the enterprises are engaged in agriculture, trade, leasing of their own or leased real estate and comprehensive maintenance of facilities.

One of the main enterprises generating revenues to the budget of the territorial community is DTEK Pavlohradvuhillia. The enterprise produces thermal coal.

Land is the main means of production in the Troitske Community.

The agricultural entity operating in the territory of the Community specializes in the cultivation of cereals (winter and spring wheat, spring and winter barley, peas, corn, millet) and industrial crops (sunflower, winter rapeseed). Grain farming is a strategic branch of the economy in the Troitske Community.

The largest enterprise in the Community and one of the largest companies in the Pavlohrad District in terms of the volume of production of agricultural products is the enterprise “Agro “KMR”, a Ukrainian-French enterprise founded in 2006 at the expense of foreign investments of French citizens.

Head of the enterprise “Agro “KMR” Clement Coussant and the village head of the Troitske Village Council in the territory of the farm yard
Head of the enterprise “Agro “KMR” Clement Coussant and the village head of the Troitske Village Council in the territory of the farm yard

The Community has determined promising land plots that are attractive for investments, namely: alternative energy, processing industry, agriculture, mining and tourism.

Educational services are effectively provided by three institutions of general secondary education, two institutions of preschool education, one institution of out-of-school education.

Pryvovchanske Lyceum
Pryvovchanske Lyceum

There are also many cultural institutions in the Community: three village Culture Centres, two village clubs, four libraries and one book delivery point; various cultural, leisure events and information campaigns are held.

One of the most popular cultural collectives is the popular amateur folklore collective “Krayany”, which began its creative activity in 1990.

Popular amateur folklore collective “Krayany”, 2021
Popular amateur folklore collective “Krayany”, 2021

A volunteer fire brigade and a local fire brigade have also been organized in the Community.

Local fire brigade, including volunteers
Local fire brigade, including volunteers

Two Community police officers ensure order and prevent crimes within the Territorial Community.

Community police officers, 2022
Community police officers, 2022

Also, a Centre for the provision of social services was established in the Community, where various social services are provided to the residents of the Community.

The biggest pride of the Community is the adult football team “AGRO-KMR”. It started its activities on 09 March 2015. Over the years, the team has achieved great results in the sports arena of the district and region.

Football team “AGRO-KMR”
Football team “AGRO-KMR”

A youth council and three nongovernmental organizations, one of which is a youth organization, have been founded and function in the Community.

In 2023, the executive committee, together with the youth council, implemented the project “Implementation of green tourism as a new form of the concept of sustainable development of the Troitske Community. Local lore bike extreme”; as a result, starting from April, it will be possible to conduct excursions along specific routes and locations by bike.

Equipment for bicycle tourism
Equipment for bicycle tourism

Community and War

Since 2014, the residents of the Troitske Community have been defending the sovereignty of Ukraine. Thus, on the night of June 13-14, 2014, when landing at the Luhansk airport, terrorists fired an anti-aircraft gun and a large-calibre machine gun at the IL-76 military transport aircraft of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which was transporting personnel for the purpose of rotation. All 49 people, including 9 crew members from the Melitopol aviation transport brigade and 40 paratroopers from the 25th separate Dnipropetrovsk airborne brigade, died. Among the soldiers was a resident of the Community – Valerii Hrabovyi. He was awarded the III degree Order of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi (posthumously).

To perpetuate and honour the memory of the hero, a monument was erected in the very centre of the village of Troitske.

A monument to Valerii Hrabovyi
A monument to Valerii Hrabovyi

Currently, more than 150 men and women from the Community are defending Ukraine in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Unfortunately, six soldiers have died, and five are missing.

The residents of the Community individually and all public organizations of the Community participate in various volunteer activities: they make food and bake various goods, make canned goods, heating devices, weave camouflage nets, knit warm clothes, participate in fundraising events to purchase machinery and equipment; charity auctions and other events are held.

To ensure food security, the executive committee has initiated the cultivation of vegetables. They have sowed, planted and harvested crops for two years in a row. Military units, hospitals, social institutions, etc. have been provided with foods.

A group of volunteers who produce canned meat and fish for the Armed Forces
A group of volunteers who produce canned meat and fish for the Armed Forces

The Community became a shelter for internally displaced persons, namely 486 people were accommodated in the households of community residents and in empty houses.

Employees of the executive committee planting potatoes in the public garden
Employees of the executive committee planting potatoes in the public garden
Employees of public institutions weaving camouflage nets
Employees of public institutions weaving camouflage nets

People of the Community

Village head of the Troitske Village Council Oleh Chupryna
Village head of the Troitske Village Council Oleh Chupryna

The main leader of changes and transformations in the Community is village head Oleh Chupryna. He has been elected the village head for four convocations.

He devotes a lot of strength and energy to solving issues of beautification and maintaining an exemplary order in the territory of the Village Council, modernization of infrastructure, cultural leisure and sports development of the population. Under his leadership, the Village Council constantly takes an active part in the implementation of international, national, regional and district projects.

Currently, an important area of work is the support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and measures aimed at bringing Victory closer.

A step towards Victory is the initiation of food security, namely, the cultivation of vegetable crops was organized to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine, hospitals, internally displaced persons, etc.

During the first days of the war, the Community received displaced people – for one night, for a long time. Currently, the village head is looking for ways to integrate internally displaced persons into the Community and provide them with social housing.

Photo from the award ceremony of the “Best Practices of Local Self-Government” competition in Kyiv
Photo from the award ceremony of the “Best Practices of Local Self-Government” competition in Kyiv

In his work, Oleh Chupryna works together with a powerful team, including Starostas of the Starosta-headed districts: Hanna Kabanova and Liudmyla Krupska.

Starostas of the Starosta-headed districts:  Hanna Kabanova and Liudmyla Krupska
Starostas of the Starosta-headed districts: Hanna Kabanova and Liudmyla Krupska

Development Strategy

The effective functioning of the Troitske Community is based on the strategic planning of activities, which gives the Village Council a comprehensive tool that combines an analysis of current events, forecasts of socio-economic development and possible future scenarios with the development of a strategy for its achievement.

Therefore, in 2018, the Strategy for the Development of the Troitske Rural United Territorial Community for 2018-2025 was developed and approved.

The main areas of the Community development and strategic goals are:

  • Development of the investment potential of the territory
  • Entrepreneurship development
  • Development of rural areas
  • Improvement of the quality of life in the villages of the Community
  • Development of rural infrastructure

As the time passes and taking into account the recent events in Ukraine, the developed Strategy needs to be improved and amended. Accordingly, the executive committee is taking steps to review the areas of development and restoration of territories.

A meeting of the working group drafting the Community Development Strategy (2018)
A meeting of the working group drafting the Community Development Strategy (2018)


  • Official website of the Troitske Village Council:
  • Official Facebook page of the Community:
  • A collection of photos taken by the Executive Committee of the Troitske Village Council across the Community
If you want to contact an Ukrainian community or have additional questions regarding the project please contact us: [email protected]