Varash Territorial Community


The Varash urban territorial community is located in the Rivne region in the western part of Ukraine. The total area of the community is 606.9 sq. km. The community includes 1 town (Varash) and 7 starosta-headed districts (16 population centers).

The population of the community is 52,498 people.
Men: 25,270
Women: 27,228
Children under 14 years old: 11,566
Internally displaced persons: 1,257


Varash is a historical settlement on the territory of Volyn with a centuries-old history. At different times it was part of the Galicia-Volyn Principality, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and Poland.

In 1973, the construction of a nuclear power plant (4 nuclear power plant units are currently in operation) and the settlement of Kuznetsovsk, which later received the status of an urban-type settlement, began.

In 2016, the town was returned its historical name – Varash. The Styr River flows through the community. Near the village of Rudka, there is a part of the Rivne Nature Reserve, on the territory of which there is a lake of karst origin called Bile (which translates as “white”) with unique healing glycerin water.

Construction of hydraulic structures of the Rivne Nuclear Power Plant
Construction of hydraulic structures of the Rivne Nuclear Power Plant Source



Economy and Welfare 

The main industrial enterprise of the community is the Rivne Nuclear Power Plant, which generates more than 15% of the total electricity production in Ukraine. Income from the Rivne Nuclear Power Plant to the local budget was 64% of the general fund in 2021.

Rivne Nuclear Power Plant
Rivne Nuclear Power Plant Source

The Kuznetsovsk Bread Factory is engaged in the production of bakery and confectionery products. The annual volume of production is about 4.4 thousand tons.

Floria-Ukraine specializes in the cultivation of flower and vegetable crops. The advantage of the company is its close proximity to the Rivne Nuclear Power Plant, which allows the use of Ukraine’s cheapest heat-carrying agent (the cost of a gigacalorie is approximately 10 times lower than the average Ukrainian cost).

Floria-Ukraine Source

Thanks to the stable operation of industrial enterprises, the Varash community ranks second in the Rivne region in terms of the volume of industrial products sold.

A significant part of the funds is allocated in the community for the development of education, medicine, culture, sports. In addition to general education institutions, a vocational school and an art school also function here. 

There are 14 institutions of general secondary education, 14 institutions of preschool education and 2 institutions of out-of-school education in the community. There are also 2 other education institutions: the Varash Inclusive Resource Center and the Varash Center for Professional Development of Education Specialists.

A youth center is available for young people here. In the field of medicine, the Varash multidisciplinary hospital provides a wide range of services. The modern Varash town complex rehabilitation center for persons with disabilities covers rehabilitation needs.

Numerous sports sections and a developed sports infrastructure are available for the residents of the community. Also, the community has a network of cultural institutions and holds concerts and festivals. The war launched by russia affected the frequency and scale of events.

The community is actively working on creating new inter-municipal and international ties. In particular, on March 7, 2023, the Twinning Agreement was signed between the Finnish town of Loviisa and the town of Varash.

 Kozak Systems at the Energy Art Fest in the community
Kozak Systems at the Energy Art Fest in the community
Energy Sprint Triathlon against the background of the Rivne NPP
Energy Sprint Triathlon against the background of the Rivne NPP
Bile Lake, a tourist attraction/ Source:
Bile Lake, a tourist attraction/ Source:

Community and War

From the first days of russian aggression, preparations for the defense of the territory and the construction of engineering structures were started in the Varash community. The voluntary formation Styr was created from among the owners of weapons, which help to ensure safety and order in the community. Many residents of the community joined the ranks of the territorial defense forces and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Volunteer Headquarters also started functioning in the community. Active residents of the community ensured the arrival of humanitarian aid from abroad via personal contacts.

Pupils, educators, representatives of the cultural sphere, employees of the RNPP organized charity fairs, concerts, and fundraisers for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, bought cars, military equipment, etc., wove camouflage nets, and made varieties of food for servicemen and residents of the de-occupied territories.

A vivid example of community involvement is an 87-year-old pensioner from Varash, who donated UAH 35,000 to support the Ukrainian army. Viacheslav Naydenov worked in the energy industry throughout his life and remembers how the nuclear power plant units of the Rivne nuclear power plant and the town of Varash were built. Currently, the pensioner is wholeheartedly concerned about the fate of Ukraine and supports the Ukrainian army. 

Also, the community buys the necessary equipment and supplies for military personnel on a permanent basis with funds from the local budget.

Mayor Oleksandr Menzul and 87-year-old volunteer Viacheslav Naydenov
Mayor Oleksandr Menzul and 87-year-old volunteer Viacheslav Naydenov
Transfer of technical assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Transfer of technical assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

People of the Community

Oleksandr Menzul, Head of the Varash community
Oleksandr Menzul, Head of the Varash community

Menzul Oleksandr has been the head of the Varash community since November 4, 2020.

In 1995, he graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute as an external student majoring in Physics and Thermal Power Engineering. In the same year, he started working at the Rivne Nuclear Power Plant in the nuclear safety department. He was the head of the laboratory, the head of the department, and, from 2005 to 2018, he worked as the deputy head of the reliability, resource and continued operation service. From October 9, 2018, he acted as the secretary of the Varash Town Council.

Development Strategy

The development strategy of the Varash urban territorial community for the period up to 2027 stipulates as follows:

Strategic goal 1. Human capital is the basis of community prosperity

– Development of educational space
– Healthy lifestyle and active citizens
– The newest cultural space

Strategic goal 2. Development of the medical and social space of the community

– Ensuring the quality and availability of medical services
– Modernization of the social protection system

Strategic goal 3. The territory of a comfortable and safe life

– Spatial development of the community
– Formation of a safe and energy-efficient environment
– Safety on the streets, roads and in public places

Strategic goal 4. Competitive economy as the basis of sustainable community development

– Economic development of the community
– Promotion of the development of small and medium-sized businesses
– Increasing investment attractiveness
– Development of tourist and recreational potential

The development of the community is inextricably linked with nuclear energy – an efficient low-carbon energy source and the development of related high-tech industries.

This is how artificial intelligence sees the future of the community
This is how artificial intelligence sees the future of the community Source

List of Sources

If you want to contact an Ukrainian community or have additional questions regarding the project please contact us: [email protected]